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Everything posted by Chain

  1. @@slushpuppy the problem is I put my vast clanning knowledge into CP and now no one will fight us because we are too good we'll talk in IRC or somethin because I like the idea of the COTM system but it just needs to be fixed
  2. @@Shadow Asuna Noob, the reason we are in this situation is because no one will fight us lol
  3. @ It's probably better that way...he just doesn't know how things work
  4. @@slushpuppy What? That honestly made no sense...hopefully @ and @@Moni actually fix this because you're clueless at clanning lol
  5. @@slushpuppy I don't think anyone said clans are obligated to prep us, they are just pointing out the flaws in the system..read my other post lol
  6. Because how you speak over the internet should determine if another clan on runescape.com should fight you......ugh
  7. ps @@HolyDreams I'd be okay with you talking that good brown sticky stuff but your clan refuses to prep us even with your new 30 def
  8. @@slushpuppy you're being delusional if you think CP stopped prepping to win COTM. CP doesn't have more wins this month because clans won't fight us. The system is flawed and always will be flawed because there's no possible way to determine if a clan is declining because they are "afraid" or if they simply can't fight at an agreed time. The simple fix is to make all fights 20v20+ 1 point (regardless of server and what clan you fight). This rewards clans for their activity (by getting more fights, regardless of who they are vs or what server) Good thing @ and @@Moni actually run the little system because your logic makes no sense and just makes you look uninformed ps you can read this and be angry with me for disagreeing with you or understand we actually tried to play along and the system showed all of its flaws..
  9. I'd say SUP has the best chance at it.
  10. On a serious note, no FOE will contact me back. :|
  11. Honestly every clan (MM/FOE/FI/CP/TLP/SV) have had their moments. Maybe FOE most consistent. When TLP and CP were #1, they were by far the most dominating. This goes for CLW fights and in the wild.
  12. Chain


    This is legit btw, hit me up on IRC pls
  13. Rumour has it Speshls came out of retirement to ally alongside myself and Drunkin R2h. GL Foc

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. notElliot111
    3. Chain


      This is kinda like if the warriors added Ray Allen.

    4. Colin
  14. @@Duval lets do it up ole pal
  15. We're having another CP IRL meetup in Chicago in a few weeks. If anyone is from the area or interested in tagging along hit me up in IRC. Free drinks courtesy of [CP]Drunk and I. Aftermath topic from our first one: http://cp-rs.com/forums/topic/33188-cp-vs-chicago/
  16. When are they going to bring this brown sticky stuff to America?
  17. Came to this topic to leave a positive reply, actually read the topic and got a bad taste in my mouth. You have a long ways to go :\ ps marry me @@Kim
  18. The real @@Kingrang3194 ??? What's up man! Come catch up sometime. #Clan-CP
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