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Everything posted by Yuzaname

  1. Tlp would win a fullout so easily, they'd have so much more support compared to supremacy, would be very easy, prep in both servers not just 1 would do.
  2. But TLP have done so much more in the 9 Years that they have been open for compared to the 1 that supremacy has;p
  3. Well TLP was just saving your clan from getting unwanted crashes like it proved from today, Like it won't end that well for supremacy imo from seeing how they go when they have a rivalry ;/
  4. Well they've done nothing at all since opening so why would it make a difference if they changed cape.
  5. TLP has had that cape alot longer than supremacy, Its basically like a clan opening with the team 6 cape and black hats and then 10 months along the line MM reopen would that mean that MM would have to change capes because some other clan has opened with their capes whilst MM was closed?
  6. Looks like you showed sup who's cape it is this weekend;) Great job, Are you guys doing f2p and p2p vs sup or they just want f2p as norm? ;p
  7. I'm laughing so much, you tried, you failed, you're still dumb, done xo
  8. Nah im not active on this site really, How do you know that? I just spoke to my leak now, and also I used to be a overseer of you when I was in Zerg Unit, Majority of the ranks despised you anyway, You're making it big lil guy
  9. You got me good on that one!@! Even people in foe tell me you're dumb af ;/
  10. Flash2: Properganda Properganda Properganda
  11. ye pros n cons, hopefully it helps them regardless.
  12. i got u fam!! vid up in a sec
  13. I like both tbf but i've been around so much p2p so probably that in my opinion, I don't mind doing f2p 1 bit though ;p
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