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Everything posted by dickwolf

  1. I always forget to come back to this website. But.... You guys are being so harsh to each other for the past, when back then it was pretty fun and I miss all of you, even the dickhead kids tbh. But, To be honest Mm, TLP, and Foe were a rarity to be seen in f2p in 2004-2007. If anything foe was the most in f2p out the three since FI/SO held the reigns for a couple years in the free server. I'd come back to the game for MM and TLP if the real leaders came back. No offense to the new guys. (Even though soron did make a name for tlp when the bh craters came out and I still think Cory was the best TLP leader) rg you're still a sexy mofo even though I haven't kept in touch with the current clan issues. But I won't, since it's legit terrible, pure clanning wise. Everyone is just a main at this point, Including the 30 defense kids who assume everyone should be 30 defense based on the 3-5 people who were active in 2007 with 30-33 (Charles)defense-wise. And idk why everyone's getting on IR's case when they were like 1/25 clans of that era that actually survived as long as they did and made a name for themselves. And honstly if i had 30 defense and 60+ pray, even with turm, and lost to MM in f2p and p2p, I'd be ashamed of my clan. That just means you lost to a real pure clan. If anything MM had everything to gain from winning every event they had; and nothing to lose.
  2. You seem young and you care very much about your clan, and there's never been anything wrong with that. But I'm not going to read all that because it's centered and something I have no clue about. I'd say let your clan do the talking if you really need something to prove to everyone.
  3. Listen, I have no idea what came after early 2012, I stepped down and removed myself from the community. I stopped clanning in early 2009 to focus on administrating and then left due to turmoil and high defense changing the way pure clanning was, which closed off the community from the actual "pure" pkers on runescape(form what was left of them). Which is exactly what this community is doing now (without turmoil), as well as considering "rivalries" as a means to kill off each other and make it that much smaller. It took a lot of MM ranks (as well as @Furious) to get it through my thick skull that my pure community was no longer pure and that the pure standard had been thrown away from the game. I remember Karl stating he wanted to bring PW back, I made no effort to help because I'm way out of the game, and quite simply do not care as I use to. I said some advice and moved on. You didn't actually close PW, from what I've heard it never started and I don't know what the other site is, but I doubt it was nearly as successful. As for being bested by a pure clan, MM was the Pure Community, from before PC till when EOC ended clanning in general. Which is why PC was founded by FOE ranks. I can't take you seriously when you talk about what Sharkbrew has done in terms of benchmarks. The "Most online" feature was added in 2011 on PW, and we didn't allow constant flaming and spamming. I also think it's crazy how you'll allow racist comments, and expect to have your site being taken seriously as a genuine community. Saying we didn't capitalize whilst we were trying our hardest to get recognized by Jagex themselves, to make an opportunity for the pure build rather than just clanning in general; as that's where the pure clanning comes from; is just more nonsense. I'm sorry you were insta-kbed. I don't know why or who did and I'm sorry that gave you a terrible bitter taste for what PW was at the time. I would have given you a shot, as well as I have with most people. Allowing Sefket to come into our team as a rank and help was my idea, as I was the shot caller for the site and again I made sure to keep PC at a high regards. Although that deal with Sefket fell shortly after. I'm glad to see you were from Malice, which was a great clan and community, Iced Havoc was my first mod and Peter ended up apart of the team as well. But After the whole M, DY, A, AS, etc scene, the community was shortening to less clans over time. Whether EOP pulled 80 or not, you had less clans to deal with and less worlds. The main clanning scene was huge, the fact they were cut down more than our community, percent-wise, is proof of that. You've had enough power abusing on your site already, and you say it's an experiment. You live and learn. The same thing happened on PC and PW. You're no different other than the fact that you're in the present time, rather than the past. The abusers were handled accordingly; I hand picked most of the mods until early 2011; and even with the scrutiny of being one, I made sure that they did it appropriately and if not, I made sure they were reprimanded. I don't know if you ever saw, PC was destroyed by Saibot in 2007. We made a temporary site called http://z11.invisionfree.com/PC_Pure_Community/index.php?act=idx, mt stepped down as admin, and sefket took over. The site lasted for a couple months. If you want a backstory on how things were then and how they are now then there you have it. You have more of an opportunity now to make a foundation for the community as long as the game stays the way it is now or even grows; as I know more have come back for the sake of the old school servers. Again I have no problem with you or your site, but brown sticky stuff talking like some hotshot about how terrible things were ran doesn't make you any better.
  4. The only person in denial here is you. So you're basically bitter and salty because the community did "jack brown sticky stuff" prior to you? You're full of brown sticky stuff and ignorance. Pure community had 45+ clans yes, hardly any of them pulled 60+, only FI and for a moment, EOP. Then MM would pull an insane amount for a full out. Pure Community did its thing by regulating how people should act on its site, but not how the clans should handle themselves outside the site. That was done individually. Clans pked whenever THEY WANTED to, not at specific times like they are now. When PC implemented the RAW list, that even faded as the community wanted to do its own thing. That's reasonable, no one should I dictate how a clan should be ran, other than their own leaders and members. Now when PW took over the wilderness was removed, the game itself lost tons of players, the pure community on the game was completely wiped out, and pking was dying/dead. So your information is completely wrong. The clan leaders apart of the circle is a figure of speech. We listened to everyone involved in our site because they were all involved with our site. Hence why I stated (again) the clan leaders had a say. And if that wasn't true we wouldn't have been sponsored by Jagex and Runescape. Which means we had the guidelines Runescape wanted and we played by their rules, all for the average player/pker of the game. I suspended and banned a lot of people that I actually liked and still remained friends with and listened to whoever came to me, even if they just felt like taking their anger out on me. That's how I worked and completely goes against everything you're stating and pulling out of your ass to make you feel better about yourself and site. For someone who's spewing out nonsense and saying I've done nothing to help, for one example, you're still using my event I created, red vs blue. Granted the only successful one was in 2009. You're talking about PC, if you're meaning post count? You have about 100k more than PW had at its two year mark, and PW use to delete all its posts, not hide them. All in the first year, mind you. You allow non stop spamming, and multiple accounts to spew even more childish bullbrown sticky stuff to read on here. Almost as if a 13 year old just got their new keyboard to play with. PC would have had the same in its 2ish years if its site wasn't hacked and destroyed in mid 2007. You started with a clean slate, and you're not even competing with a fully ran MM site. Your clanning situation is worse now than it was right before EOC. If anything you come across completely clueless about the situation on your forums and are in denial, and for some reason your best excuse is that you inherited the problems from the past communities. Lol give me a break. You weren't involved with the original PC or even around then. You also didn't care to get involved with PW or make any sort of difference then. No one here will believe what you have to say unless they started with clanning on runescape after EOC. It's easier to criticize years laters, and I have nothing against your site, if I did, I wouldn't have even made an account. I'm just stating the obvious facts and you seem to have a very different memory on how things actually were; and seem to have that elitest-on-top-of-the-world, attitude that you're claiming PW/PC ranks had.
  5. You're mistaken. I want to know who are you and what made you so bitter against the previous sites before you, that you'd go and spew nonsense. Almost everything I've read about you believing in closing other websites only comes off insecure. As a mod and admin of PC and PW, I respect PC enough to believe I'd never fill PC's shoes and wouldn't allow anyone in staff to talk terribly of it. Yes PC made mistakes but so did PW, so there was nothing to jeer about. Your links prove nothing. MM had a major hate for the entire community as it was going more zerk than pure. That doesn't mean I still didn't have friends in MM, and that doesn't mean I didn't respect them; along with every single clan, IR, CP, FI, EOP, FOE, Z, M, EF, E, the list goes on Etc. If you knew better, you'd know we always talked to the clan leaders and tried our best to resolve any issues. The bitching and moaning of banned people you linked are only playing the victim card and were given tons of chances, as always. Also if you knew better you'd know the RAW list was created in 2007 for Pure Community. In PW, it changed. Now unless you're referring to some other site that was made in the last few years that used the RAW, then so be it. I promoted fairness and quality control, if you actually think we had an elite circle then I guess we had a massive one considering most leaders were all involved.
  6. Who are you and what are you even talking about?
  7. This is the most accurate post on here. You seem nice and well rounded, as well as have a decent idea, but Runescape is a MMO, first and foremost. They're player base isn't for Clanning -PvP wise, moreso for those who actually play the game. I.E - Questing, PvM and of course PvP; with PvP on the decline since 2007. And of course as some have mentioned here, it's RNG. This idea would be great for a community to host, like how Eve Online is for their clans, but this site is not community based or driven at all. After checking around a little bit to catch up and see how everyone is, your "community" here is in dire trouble to fall into the same hole, without EOC and a dying pking community on the base game being the cause of the hole. The only successful things that brought the community together were the last two pure free for alls in 2007, PCL, the first 2 v 2 tourney, and the first Red Vs Blue that I was lucky enough to pull off at the perfect time, otherwise that wouldn't have worked either. But take it from me, as one of the two people that had contact with Jagex, and got their backing, they will most likely continue to promote whatever is new for their game, and will continue to create new content for it. There's too many variables that can make anything with cash prizes go wrong. Back when Pure Community had control of the community in 2008, Karl was working to help promote the site further by making a complete main page for PC but also making a separate entity called Pure Warfare(hence the name), which was meant to be a clan ladder system in comparison to MLG, for pure clans. Which would track all wins and losses from PCL, which is all we had back then, as the community was collapsing from the removal of the wilderness. It would also track preps and full outs. Him and I couldn't get the backing from Jagex for the ladder system, even though there was such dissent for their actions against the clanning community; you'd think they'd be down to help it restore itself, but they never answered us. Needless to say the admin of PC at the time wasn't fit for administrating and the community fell apart, but that's a different story. I wish you the best of luck and to all the new people on here, as well as their clans. I highly recommend separating the actual pure clans from whatever is 20+ defense and go back to the original foundation of pure clan requirements. That'll most likely get those newer unaware kids that solo-PvP, to finally move into the pure Channing scene, as they'd never get high defense as the pure scene was founded on our limitations, strict requirements and pking.
  8. Completely forgot about Tiger. I remember him doing a good amount at the beginning for IR. Ir did have a lot of cool people like j0g, `jess/ryan, dux, casey, junior, (not inu) etc, won't take that away from the clan. As you can see though, you're posting on the worst site, and era to happen to our old community, a community founded on limitations that is "pure". Sadly the present leaders probably started clanning in 2011-16, and have no idea about how the wilderness was back before it was removed in 2007. In fact, from all the names I've seen on here so far( besides 2?maybe?), I don't think there is anyone here that clanned in the pure or main community prior to the wilderness removal. Now everyone is 100+ combat and for some reason are complaining about mains attacking them from levels 1 - 20 in the wilderness. They actually think staying in single zones for a couple hours on the weekend is enjoyable, and think getting a 5 minute fight is action. And they care deeply for that. From my observation, this community is too far gone and too cauliflower to do anything (they fucked up a clean start). Everyone says "its 2016", remember when everyone use to say "it's 2008-2012" as an excuse too? It's adorable really; even the trolls are brown sticky stufftier and have no originality. The worst part is, they actually think they're funny.
  9. Howdy zo, if that's really you. I could have sworn that banner was originally enigma's, (L harmz mikes clan). And could have sworn IR was formed out of Delta Force (I think Agony formed out of Df too?) in 2007 with you and heavenz, of which heavenz left to go make future ownage or whatever clan that was. But you're preaching to the wrong crowd here, most of these kids don't even know what "opts" actually means. (they think it = one person). not to mention this site is full of retards, as they got to start with a clean slate, and yet they ruined their "pure" clans for the sake of competition and have made their clanning community even smaller with the extreme amounts of invites and multi-clanning. And somehow they think they're going to gain new members from the actual game, as if some random in edge is going to get defense for your boring trips. The only thing these bundle of twigss have here is their cauliflower annoying memes to get themselves off
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