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Everything posted by Hansis

  1. RD -> DR BACKWARDS CONCIDENCE ? I THINK NOT! jk, good job today dr
  2. You would post a topic about u losing >.<
  3. Hansis


    You do know, supremacy and cv is the only lpc out there.
  4. Was honestly suprised, you did better and won, good job. Gl in wild PS: your ts got hit off before the round started aswell , ur choise not to switch when u had the chanse. Why would we hit ur ts off ? to wait another 50 minutes for the challange?
  5. ur both brown sticky stuff.
  6. honestly funny how clans crash fights and then cry afterwards about getting teamed on.
  7. http://rs-zenith.com/index.php?/topic/25187-back-to-our-roots/
  8. Like the activation+ zerg unit merge l0l0
  9. LMFAOOO PROPAGANDA IS REAL. here is us bullying you, after clearing supremacy twice , and ur bf comes rushing in for the east.
  10. Hansis


    The famous mime of the pure community<3 Ily<3<3
  11. Hansis


    What is your real life name? - What are your hobbies? school mostly, going out, rs, drinking pepsi max What is your RuneScape history? tp n stuff What are your goals for your RuneScape account? 94 magic What clan are you in? Trauma Anything else: tufnan
  12. Hansis


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