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  1. @debb skipped ramadan to get smoked in gdz for 2 hours...yikes
  2. still trying to make friends in eop huh lmao? remember what i said yday...keep jamz name out your mouth pussy lv2 sent his regards
  3. lmfao ur so mad that dutch thimaah got legend and u got demoted from high council to council because ur garbage LMFAO
  4. Solo K1ng aka @Ancient you and tyler are natural born losers buddy. 20 def and your clan got smoked hahahahahaha

  5. theres no off once the nukes are dropped buddy...shame ur not a good friend and wont warn council nerdy
  6. the goat that lost 84-0 in the jagex cup, reopened with 20 def + 70+ prayer and barely won their 2-1 f2p preps l0l nice try, solo. you and tyler can hold this big L lmfao
  7. are you going to tell council nerdy that we have his nuke or not buddy
  8. are you going to tell ur council nerdy that we have his nuke or not buddy?
  9. lmfao ur mad and theres nothin u can do about it. tell ur council nerdy we have his nuke buddy
  10. solo aka @Ancient u make less than 30k/yr studying waves for a living, while adhi is making 90k/yr and dating a very hot bollywood model. ur life is in shambles solo nobody in this pure community thinks eom is a top pure clan btw. sorry loser l00l
  11. all fun and games until the nukes drop. did u tell ur council nerdy or not?
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