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Posts posted by Amir

  1. Take that L boiiiii, you can defend brown sticky stuff. All of sb knows u out here spewing brown sticky stuff

    U we're ez clear m8

    The only clear here is the fact that ub tried bringing mains against EOP of all clans, and got smoked in retaliation. If you stopped kissing guys and failing highschool, then maybe you'd have the educational levels required to see that LMFAO


    How are you going to post a topic with +15 mains 

    lol wahwah baby you're only crying cos you were outmained LMFAO only a bunch of bundle of twigsgots would think they could out main EOP LOL


    its a shame eom will never be a true legacy clan 

    Who are you lol you sound like a newbundle of twigs hanuman picked up at a male brothel

  2. lol hopefully u can pull more next week and actually compete with the relevant clans but i hope u had fun today buds

    While EOP compete with FOE for #1 unbreakable are struggling against "edge recruits" and can't win a prep lol hopefully you guys can start pulling more and actually winning a prep haha heard you lost to supremacy AGAIN LMFAO btw why you ignoring EOPs declaration against you? hahaha

  3. lol whats weirder being homosexual or coming on a niche forum website to make fun of homosexuals on a game designed for 12 year olds that u dont even play lmfao ur weird man

    or pretending you don't play a game designed for 12 year olds because a bunch of preteens killed your clan and your lives work l00l imagine being in your 20s and having your time wasted because you're being outdone by a bunch of preteens LOOOOOL

  4. wow bro as if u wrote all that LMAOOO

    enough waiting on that old fuck george martin to write his game of thrones book we should just get this clown @ to write the books for him lmao u an author or something bud

    nice book lmfao you can write a story but can't prep EOP l000l you can't beat supremacy in a prep and they lose to apex......... you're almost as bad as fatality LOL

  5. dude eop is shit. the #8 clan just cant challenge the #1 clan get a few wins under your belt and we'll take u serious 

    How are you gonna say you're the #1 clan when you've lost 4 out of 5 of your last preps l0l we'll take you serious when you don't get perfected by supremacy hahaha btw accept the prep pussy or are your leaders still too busy failing high school and kissing boys for social acceptance LOL


    Hey boys quote me when u can beat ir lmao

    quote me when you can beat supremacy lmao even debb can beat ir

    you're literally too ugly to live stfu

    this guy who's too ugly to live killed your clan(s) lmfao heard you're scared to prep EOP pussy

  6. Since unbreakable are now 1 from 5 in preps in the last month, what are the chances they will accept EOPs prep declarations now? Ub ranks have spent the last week avoiding any acceptance of the prep, and today's embarrassing loss against Supremacy may have scared them even more....






    Personally I thought unbreakable were a strong clan, but after seeing them lose both preps to FOE and refuse to fight anyone else I can see why they're so afraid lol

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