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Posts posted by Nerdy

  1. qz6VPnt.png

    Forums: http://www.dmk-rs.com | CC: Dmk Social | IRC: #Clan-dmk



    Today DMK peaked at 27 for a PKRI that was suppose to be against RD who had decent opts on us so while we were trying to pull more together for that we set up PKRI's with OP


    RD next time have some patience and you'll actually get a fight with us


    OP thanks for the fights at least we got 1 clean one


    PKRI Logs vs OP


    [21:31] <bvg> wanna fight dwarves?

    [21:31] <bvg> or boneyard

    [21:31] <[DMK]Killa> boneyard

    [21:35] <bvg> can u defend

    [21:35] <[DMK]Killa> ye

    [21:35] <bvg> kk



    [22:15] <bvg> burning amulet to bandits

    [22:15] <bvg> we fight there ok

    [22:15] <[DMK]Killa> kk

    [22:16] <bvg> w55 bandits we defend there

    [22:16] <[DMK]Killa> kk



    DMK vs OP ft. RD crash x2

    Both times trying to fight OP at ca RD decided to crash us as we were gaining the upper hand ready to finish the clear


    DMK vs OP

    We ended up getting 1 clean fight against OP at Bandit Camp which we took control of fairly quickly clearing them with our members grabbing plenty of loot before they all tried to return at once. Thanks for the fight.




    On our way to fight Olympus, RD logged into multi catching some clumps





    Nerdy's POV



    Jhin's POV











  2. we could've easily flamed u about how u continuously got .5'd throughout the day but if ur gonna deny setting up event prior to u massing at the exact time we agreed on today we gon have 2 box


    take the L in stride and move on 

    Actually if you guys weren't so immature to crash pkri's you would have known we were going to fight you after until you did that so congrats on wanting to flame, no brown sticky stuff we're gonna tele when getting "continuously" (more like twice) rushed during a pkri lmao


    We got all W's today thanks tho

  3. Lmao just shut the fuck up already please. Since your members got bullied and chased like 4 times and you refused to fight us, and we really had no more action at Lavas after pking there maybe for 1-2hours, we moved to maze. 5mins later we just ended with p2p. Grow up.

    You're telling someone to grow up? do you see your signature? you're clearly 12 lol

  4. Thanks for the prep we needed the practice, y'all have a lottt of experience on us in this haha


    Anyone can try to flame us if ya want, everyone loses preps lol. we are working on getting our members experienced in clan wars fights but we're always down for a challenge. We'll get ya back Doom  :)


    p.s. last round wasn't perfected just sayin

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