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Everything posted by Atreo

  1. Atreo


    still waiting for your evidence that we bought bt with us this saturday old man exactly, now stfu
  2. Atreo


    didnt have a single bt with us this saturday you fucking moron https://gyazo.com/e4ec9da70ecee9cf44f2b8f9c651349e.png
  3. Atreo


    Had signups for saturday non for sunday get your facts straight. Also we had 90 on our saturday signups so again get your facts straight fucking broccoli.
  4. Atreo


    Our sunday trip was literally announced hours before we went out, we had no official sign ups and it was non-mandatory and yet we still pulled more than what you did on saturday. Im glad we only pulled that much instead of our usual 90+, theres no fun clearing clans in .5 seconds. we got non stop action
  5. Atreo


    Rage is the same bitch clan I remember it being, they'll team with anyone they can find
  6. yeah but this is http://i.imgur.com/3d4mSK5.png
  7. we're telling you that you've been bullied out of f2p sundays, if what you say is true you would come out and do f2p because you don't do what we tell you :^) check mate dicksucker
  8. Every1 here knows Doom lost the last CD vs Doom rivalry. You got bullied upto HPC(automatic win for CD) only to get closed. Preps hardly mean brown sticky stuff when supremacy rapedyou in wildy. Infact you got bullied so hard that you didn't even go out with your own capes on your anniversary trip. P2P is hardly a return battle, compared to f2p, most clans just rush/ the other glories out. Rare to find a clean 1vs1 and when you do it gets crashed in 0.5seconds. CD stopped ragging you because they switched to f2p to hit ST and welcome rage. Just a reminder, zenith closed now, what 8+ times???? lost count
  9. You still haven't answered why your leader has to result to faking memberboard leaks. I heard you guys also paid 50m for fake Fs leaderboard, sigh. We're discussing clan requirement/quality, not individual member quality. As I said before, f2p has always historically has always mattered more in clanning history. If you can't understand that then you must be a random 2k16 edge recruit Also you call CD a random masser clan that can't compete matched, , ironically your last match at clan wars you got 2-0d and Hormone was too scared to go for a 3rd round.
  10. Its sad your clan has to fake public boards and brainwash your members with propoganda. F2p has always mattered more if you have any basic knowledge on the history of pure clanning. Newbundle of twigs smh
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