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Everything posted by Mokles

  1. Are you delusional bro? Tell me how the hell am I piping up? Have you seen my post history? You need to stop taking whatever you're taking and stop the delusions. You're seeing things.
  2. Don't wear CD's cape next sunday and we'll see who's dead.
  3. He said he was quitting twice. BTW WHERE'S THE FUCKING VIDEO?
  4. And again, like I said if you have proof that I was at more than 1 or 2 trips of your shitty snipe team, I'll quit rampage right now.
  5. Yo remember the time where we cleared you within 2 seconds? you had 17 we had 5 of us and you guys teleported. FsHit. Brooo, I am still happy about the gwas we fed you at 13 ports. https://gyazo.com/00c3da70a8fab068a3717f9d5a29133a You guys better start calling CD to be your lookouts.
  6. A whole summer of being #1, RP vs every XLPC clan and snipe team out there. Was fun fighting and sad to see Ascent, BT, HA and now NM go. GL CD, LETHAL and UPRISING.
  7. 0 care. I am a little dog? k. For the love of god, how much do you guys love me? Discord and Sharkbrew @'ing every fucking where, dawgg.
  8. You ok bro? Hiding behind who? Get off the drugs bro, you're getting delusional again or blind.
  9. Stfu already. You're a living propaganda dawg. Your delusions are out of this world. Get off the drugs and retire for good, don't just say you're retiring, retire ffs.
  10. Bro they complained about us cancelling on nightmare, but cd and nm won't prep us, sorry i meant ND.
  11. I am just going to leave this closing statement, I offered a rank to someone that was not leading anything after I closed his clan twice (Overdose and Golden). I thought since he kept bitching and moaning about one of the members that left his snipe clan with me and how he tried to guilt trip me into leaving RP and losing the OD community that he wanted to amend things between him and the members that took off with OD's teamspeak, but apparently I was wrong. @RyanTheG @Kunoopuppy @Koldkilla97 Sorry boss, sorry for offering something out of my position without your knowledge.
  12. Bro, prove that I was ever in your snipe team's trip for more than once or twice and I'll quit Rampage right here and now in front of everyone. And I can't get kicked from a snipe team when I am the one that closed it and took the TeamSpeak and domain for that snipe team. oh and r/iamverybadass
  13. Bro, prove that I was ever in your snipe team's trip for more than once or twice and I'll quit Rampage right here and now in front of everyone. And I can't get kicked from a snipe team when I am the one that closed it and took the TeamSpeak and domain for that snipe team.
  14. Hey bro, I did say it was my bad offering a position to someone that was riding my dick trying to guilt tripping me into leaving RP. It was my fault for trusting a rat.
  15. Bro, prove that I was ever in your snipe team's trip for more than once or twice and I'll quit Rampage right here and now in front of everyone. And I can't get kicked from a snipe team when I am the one that closed it and took the TeamSpeak and domain for that snipe team.
  16. Hate you bro? You were trying to guilt me into coming back to the "OD" community Fudog, you're literally irrelevant in any of this. Kicked from OD? I still own his TeamSpeak ??????? True I admit it was my mistake, but Ima be honest the way he talked to me on Discord was him riding my dick about leaving OD. Say the word boss and I'll release all the conversation with him trying to convince me to leave RP.
  17. Initiate tank battles? Your clan entirely consists of tanks. We just retaliated. There hasn't been a trip where you haven't brought out tanks.
  18. They got outragged at CA by RP. It's sad, because the first fight was even opts and lil to no rag, they had to pull their rags to come back, but they still ended up losing even with 3 hit's misguided help.
  19. Don't laugh. I still own OD's TeamSpeak and the person you're laughing at kicked you from it.
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