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Everything posted by wuu2

  1. Lmfao the kills weren't even close @ProccyYou sure do talk alot only to get smoked by xlpc clan Terror!
  2. Total kills: Terror - 150 Apex - 123 Pretty substantial and convincing win. Apiss is piss
  3. The tourney is exactly one week away. @puppyslushlet's try to get more competitors
  4. @puppyslushHow can we encourage more participation? It appears only three clans have signed up.
  5. discord.gg/terror is your best option tbh
  6. 3at roasts the very people who slave/die from him every single weekend. Ungrateful and deplorable!
  7. Most p2p items are off lmfao? f2p then. This'll allow a bigger competitor pool anyhow
  8. You should be more concerned about recruiting. Your clan has pulled sub 35 for the last couple months!
  9. As others have pointed out, 40v40 and f2p would ensure the most participation. Good luck to all!
  10. sup is low ambition! When's the last time they beat anyone notable?
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