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Everything posted by James|Barrag3d

  1. xlpc's are impossible in this era. accounts at that level get boring to play outside of clanning and level up way too quickly. if you train them too much then they're stuck in a place where they aren't suitable for xlpc clanning (too high) or for lpc (too low) usually around the 60-74cb area. clans used to be able to slowly transition into different brackets but thats no longer possible because it'd just end up being a clan of 60-low 70s up against clans of maxed pures automatically due to the classifications. on top of things, they aren't really attracting any new people to the pure community anymore. its mostly just the same people with higher level pures in lpcs looking for extra time to kill in a scene that isn't as structured, so its easier to take advantage of certain situations
  2. pure communities too toxic for people to stop at 20, but i would love to see 1-20def meta comeback as well as a re-categorization of clan brackets
  3. mains have a better likelihood of hitting you above 30 wildy. teleporting is still aids though
  4. too biased, no evidence. amusing though. 6/10 for content
  5. while i understand that creating tank teams was an extreme measure, i understand tyendinanga''s reasoning behind creating such a snipe team. its frustrating to see the xlpc being dominated by clans that routinely use main accounts as supplements to their own pulls. what @tyendinanga offered was some sort of solution even though it was extreme. if the xlpc clans never brought mains in the first place, this entire situation would have never occurred.
  6. opening a new xlpc seems pretty pointless when everyone breaks the combat cap while bringing mains on top of things
  7. wrong site, and ive waited like a week for you guys to validate my account on outburst-rs so... side note: you guys should probably change that whole validation thing. it seems a little silly to advertise a website that people can't access without being approved
  8. Hiya, Got a 64 cb acc with 87str 31 pray and soon to be 82 range. Looking to go to an active xlpc that does minis and preps often. Been in a slew of clans including malice, ascendency, dp, infection, calamity and many others. Not considering clans that mass at the ge or edge. Thanks.
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