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Everything posted by Dragon

  1. Yeah nice way to spin the defense lmao HAHAHA Brussel Sprout
  2. To further bury the point this is our video after px's one finishes we were down 20, then up 15-20, This is what its like to be in a clan that doesn't multi log its accounts to fake activity.
  3. Px was up 20 opts for 30 seconds in game, then we were up 20 opts for the remainder of the fight lmao, forced them to hug single L M F A O Salso is the leak
  4. You're doing something wrong if KOP is making topics about you
  5. Whatever makes you sleep at night, little guy how can you regroup when the whole clan is there at the fight Idk, felt like px were dying with full invent of pizzas they got banged so hard.. it was like a 30 man pizza delivery squad. What are you talking about, slave boy
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