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Posts posted by Bbm

  1. 7 minutes ago, puppyslush said:

    Could you apply for Ambassador?

    As much as I don't like VR and what they tried to do with Gotenks merge...MikeCS6 is the leader of VR and would know just as much as Chris if not more..So I think giving it to him would be alright.

  2. On 9/14/2018 at 2:30 AM, slushpuppy said:


    Feel free to suggest changes

    You are absolutely right, Clans are free to do whatever they want, but does it help the community?

    No it won't. There are clans that strictly AC, there are clans that strictly crash, in most cases wouldn't be applied to few. I feel like Moni should've spoken to more people than just a minority group of a few ppl (No D) but just my input.

  3. 9/8/2018 10v10 vs NGW (Starry's Tournament, Round 2)

    (TT) Sandt, Dc8, Tank, Tower, Top, KFC, Jake, Jord, Galandorf, Jay


    (NGW) Burto, Aaron, RsIsLazy, Wanni, D1c, Silent, Niiro, Cute Hybrid, Huge, Tiring, Aldcris, Uzer

    Game 1: 2-0

    Game 2: 4-0

    TT - Win

  4. 9/2/2018 10v10 vs RV (Starry's Tournament, Round 1) #1 vs #2 Rematch

    (TT) Sandt, Dc8, Tank, Tower, Top, KFC, Jake, Jord, Galandorf, Luca 

    (RV) Teale, Aaron, Alex9060, Akka, Graeme, Starry, Cvbgn, Brian, Eric, Anditre, Trist

     Game 1: 2-2

    Game 2: 2-1

    Game 3: 3-2 WIN


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