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Everything posted by IMiD

  1. Shame we didnt bump into anyone. was fun
  2. YOU What is your IRL name or nickname? IMiD-Josh What are your web/gaming interests? I clan on rs, used to be a big part of counter strike (css/csgo) and Im currently climbing the ranks in Overwatch. Do you have any IRL hobbies? Skiing, surfing and shooting (I prefer adrenaline sports). RUNESCAPE/CLANNING Are you a clanner? If so, which clan? If not, are you interested in clanning? Currently a leader in Empire, once and advisor for Elite Zerks and had previous clanning pre eoc. Do you have a RuneScape account? If so, show us. What are your goals with your account or clanning career? To hopefully grow the zerk/tank scene into what it was once before.
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