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Everything posted by Deserie

  1. Good one so why is there also a right click attack option for OGBOBYJOHNSON? Is he in Apex too?
  2. No salt btw Apex wanted to thank you again for max.
  3. This guy still quoting me hours later lmfao salty asf, find something to do like maybe improving your quality so you don't lose again to FI like you did a day after we 3-0'd them
  4. Was truly ez as fuck, these retards/pedophiles/shitters got gwassed the fuck out so many times it's unbelievable. Stay EZ Shitpremacy. Just remember FI gave you the dick this week in a prep and we 3-0'd them the day before. You might have quantity (mains included of course), but we all know we're better quality.
  5. Very true we lost that and you got your shit wrecked by FI in P2P a day after we beat them 3-0 please try and flame more.
  6. Lmao this guy's got jokes too.
  7. Dead link or just dead clan?
  8. At least look at what I link before you keep spewing dumb shit out of your mouth I could have dropped it then...
  9. Clearly I didn't make it today you fucking idiot lmfao are you stupid or just always wrong? https://imgur.com/a/GJKTqAf
  10. Lmfao someone had already called him out before the end of the prep so all I had to do was watch your terrible quality video for under a minute to get a picture of the right click. Get a brain you fucking downy lmfaoooo
  11. Not saying that at all we lost fair and square.
  12. Imagine spending a shit ton of time editing and uploading a terrible quality video and then calling someone out for watching your video for under a minute and taking a picture of it.
  13. Not saying that whatsoever but 33 isn't 1-20 lololol.
  14. Agreed but 33 isn't 1-20 lololol.
  15. Agreed but 33 isn't 1-20 lolololol.
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