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Everything posted by jajack

  1. jajack

    Pups vs Foe

    2-0 sets, 4-1 rounds. #pups
  2. gz foe, looked easy. i imagine it was
  3. ye bro everyone can see you lose a round to #9 p2p LOOOOOL
  4. dont want rankor knocks calling you incompetent again
  5. UPDATE: APEX HAS DECLINED ANOTHER FIGHT LMFAO COACHToday at 19:06 hl when 15 get fo invs if need be
  6. 10m-10b wager anytime. u wont LMFAO have just received word that cutthroat was NOT teaming with reign of terror for this CWA! therefore, #9 p2p took a round off you!
  7. what happened last night? LMFAO. ranker knoks crying on the phone rn... yikes and u guys flamed foe too, heard they gave u the smoke L O L few more inners and maybe you will beat our C team
  8. still wont prep us LMFAOOOO. ranker knoks knows what the outcome will be. why do you think he wont accept? grats on your win vs a bottom tier clan! looked very close, #6 p2p in the main scene even took a round off you!
  9. Keep practicing because as of currently your quality/skill level is free wins/nondifficult ur teams dogshit, barely beat our C team with 1 guy on mobile LMFAO. keep avoiding and going for morale boosts from cutthroat lmfao (#6 p2p in the main scene)
  10. new skin is nicer but every button and piece of text is still 20x bigger than it needs to be
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