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Everything posted by Grayson

  1. And to you too. Thanks for the fights, lions.
  2. No one cares about your little propaganda post, lets see the vid thats been rendering for hours lmfao "Posted Yesterday, 10:34 PM" Vids have been "rendering" for 3 hours now? :\ Also "- Doom being relegated to merging with clans to compete" Said the clan that had to free rank an RD rank in order to get their help on weekends
  3. Thanks to all my 45+ Demons that came out for this weekend that was filled with tons of action. Many 1v1s were attempted many 1v1s were crashed. Shout out to those of you who tried to 1v1 us, sorry it had to get crashed. We had loads of fun this weekend and are looking forward to the red vs blue and the preps that this upcoming week will contain. Gonna leave the propaganda for the kings of it, Critical Damage. Enjoy writing paragraphs today boys. Everyone else, enjoy our videos of our action, not irrelevant information, pictures, and made up bullbrown sticky stuff. SATURDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY
  4. Too much talk, not enough walk. Hmu when you can fight us for real Your topics always fail to mention, CD+Mains+Rd
  5. Sigh.. you guys are constantly thinking about us huh
  6. Well of course I'm gonna dispute it, it'd be silly to take an L for that.
  7. Nope, made sure my members new this was for fun. It's a fun event... @@slushpuppy @@Braden
  8. Because they didn't include it. @ will tell you it was a fun event. It was pub on so people could see the fun event, just as their fire strike war was pub on so people could see it.
  9. Not sure why people are mad. Not our fault you didn't come out. We fought who came. That's that.
  10. Today we peaked at 40 Demons ready for action. We weren't sure who would come today seeing as we haven't done it for a while. Not gonna make a huge topic about this but enjoy the video. Shout out to all the clans that did show up today, you guys obviously want to get better. Thanks for the fight guys. Moni's POV The fight at the end against the blue capes is XL+Remedy.
  11. Why did they keep coming back after getting shat on haha. Good stuff
  12. @@slushpuppy @@Braden this was a fun event, not meant to get a prep score from either side. Did you give them a prep win for their fire strike war? o.O
  13. Excel Velocity Remedy Hope eop pulls
  14. No need to prove anything, people who have been around the community long enough know
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