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Everything posted by Vanje

  1. don't break him too fast, sharkbrew is all he has.
  2. clapped again. thanks for yet another +1. back to sucking off chin unit for more GPs
  3. lmao siege talking shit on sharkbrew can't even back it up ingame. almost as useful as buckshot!
  4. another successful night. veng nowhere to be found. nothing but a PD lapdog clan on sundays
  5. Veng are shit and won't fight even ops. Never have never will. Enjoy forever number two.
  6. Easiest ags of my osrs career. Almost as easy as killing buckshot
  7. veng nothing more than a propoganda clan with a c tier leadership that's breaking the clan from the top down
  8. veng so bad lmao. can't even fight without having PD there and it still didn't help. Keep making sharkbrew propoganda topics to look good, cause that's all you have besides PD's dick in your asshole.
  9. literally the best clan to be in for med/low bracket pvp. Nobody else even comes close.
  10. notice how our loot amount is backed by the pictures in the topic. another feast for the surgeons yet again.
  11. except our topics dont HEAVILY exaggerate the loot we pked.
  12. too easy. shame our rivals wont fight back on even numbers and would rather camp singles.
  13. Yet another successfull night for the boys!
  14. unlike SOME clan's propoganda topics, ours don't need to rely on bodies of text to try and convince the community who number one is. on topic, paragon is shit.
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