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  1. Today we massed up 25 Phoenix's peaking later at 28. All of the action today were clusters at Barb Village/Falador. We had great fights vs Apoc & Vendetta today. Also fought Outbreak & Noxious at multiple clusters. Thanks for the action All.
  2. This event was 5 mass 530 start Our ranks pm you for an event but Vd have every excuse in the book to not prep us lmfao
  3. I'm assuming you're from Noxious. Dw you'll get yours this weekend assuming apoc doesn't hit you before we do
  4. We'll fight you matched next week if you're concerned with our +1 opt advantage lmfao
  5. Earlier this week we scheduled a 20v20 min PKRI vs Outbreak. The first fight took place near hollow tree, Blood Unit tried to crash we moved lower to where they would be ineffective and quickly started re-focusing and taking piles. After a re-group we agreed to have another go at Corp Hill. Outbreak rushed us and became split we focused on their east group clearing all stragglers then moved west as VD came late to try and hit. We then went and did a FT 50 in CLW and won 50-42. Thanks for a fun day Outbreak!!
  6. Thanks Outbreak for giving the scene great action. Y'all are the MVPs :blobcool:

  7. Our video starts 12v13 with not a single PH in sight, but shows you chasing 1 pile from 9 wildy down to ditch while your stragglers die to us You're either playing dumb or just plain stupid, but I'm guessing it's the latter
  8. Watch their POV, watch where we rush and their video cuts, then watch this video Scims chased 1 guy two wildy maps south l0
  9. Heard our dogs needed to be let out. We took em on a nice walk from Lvl 10 Wildy to Ditch. Thanks for the scims
  10. Today the Articuno Gang set out looking for some action. Thankfully, Apocalypse messaged us for a tussle. We agreed and defended in Barbarian Village. Originally Apoc told us they would have a couple more than us - they had a +5-7 opts on us plus Vendetta in their capes. Despite being at a disadvantage, we stood our ground, waited for returners, and eventually cleared APOC and Vendetta. Thanks for the fights. Please don't lie about opts next time, thanks! ~Spiral
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