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Fate Public Relations

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Everything posted by Fate Public Relations

  1. Most people taking the weekend off we decided to go out and see what was happening for the ones not in America. The hungry Grim Reapers maintained 15-20+ on our 10 hour adventure searching for any poor souls that came our way. Doing what we do best, we killed everything in our path capitalizing every hit we had available. No one even knew what hit them, while we walked away with 100m+ in loot. (AUDIO OF HIT IN VIDEO) other dogshit clans who we killed today don't get any mentions. Also big congrats to dogshit Vengeance leader @Zewy for losing his volatile on July 4th lmfao Started off by hearing Vitality was at High Altar with around 15 so we massed up a quick 12 men to start and hunted them. Found them pretty quickly so we setup inside banging them on log in, It was clear our piles were clean taking down 4-5 before they ran off outnumbered. We would continue fighting them 2 more times with them winning the 2nd time and us on the 3rd. After the 3rd fight it would be the last we would see of Vitality today, GF guys. Found BR, not much to say about this slave team besides getting farmed on a daily. Took two +1s off them, these guys don't put protect item on much Near the end of the day we found AC just finished massing to est PK, we quickly rushed them at gdz with a couple. As our numbers started to get in game we started to push them into singles. We would encounter AC a second time with more numbers on both sides. They would get pushed to singles again ultimately ending them. GF AC tyff
  2. wtf was veng-tards thinking? biggest meme clan in 2021, rage wins again
  3. Today the Grim Reapers decided todo a small prep in advance knowing many clans were going out. Everyone was trying to fight back but just couldn't mass enough to compete, just check the loot below. Video The Grim Reapers spread around Calisto waiting to bait Onslaught. Once they took the bait we all logged in and dropped them in 20 seconds once again, idk who is worst at tanking Vengtards or d"OG"shit. After donating us free shit we scouted out another team/clan Dynasty @ 50s, we bomb rushed them from new gate smoking one of the ranks for a SOTD, while not a single Fate member died. GF DYN 20 minutes after our last 2 smoke fests we heard VR was teleing up to gdz, we rushed gdz from all directions getting right on top of them. Around 20 minutes of fighting our fearless leader transitioned them like crazy west outside, soon after VR called returning off while EZ/SV tried to join the party so we piled a couple of them before they all mass logged/ran like rats. GF VR props fighting down Finished the Trip off with a rag barrage unit to kill Sparc Mac at Scorpia pit, unfortunately shit clans SV+SC+Z+EZ all merged in one cc. Threw some guerilla warfare tactics while killing many meat shields throughout the event causing havoc on said clans. Easy loots and massive clumps seen below. Baited..
  4. Today FATE heard @teal trying to pk with a few vengtards, we quickly sounded the feasting horns at Fate HQ. Our bait logged into them and tanked north to our DD, not much to say was over in 20seconds. Horrible tanks on vengeance part made it a easy clear, they didn't even bother fighting back without allies. After this hit they sat in singles safe zones for 90mins pking alone till ending lmao nice trip Bulldogs closed? Cleared Fate again? Whose dumbass is writing these? Read below on another failed attempt at propaganda by vengeance After Fate ended and smoking vengeance (3rd time this week) In a sad desperate attempt vengtard members with moral lower than my ankle socks hid at altar with BC at 50s. They fought a pure clan matched opts (10v10) at altar, while getting owned for 2 mins straight they called BC with veng only having 4 in game. You called 30 invites to a clean 10v10 with a pure clan? With no POV or pictures of the so called altar fight with "Fate" when it happened to be another pure clan that owned them. Just blabbing away on twitter again hey @smished? vengtarts cleared again proof below Notice how they say "we took our talents to singles" straight bullied by Fate in to single pking, who you guys still trying to fool? You didn't even mention the beating we gave you at lvl 32 Vengeance with 4 left in game in the cleanest 10v10 on life support, at this point veng ranks screaming cause everyone is planking. BTW where is Fate? or Bulldogs? Not a single one in sight. Vengeance calling BC to a 10v10 with a pure clan.. Where is these Fate members you surely speak of? We both already know of 1 but can you name more? Didn't think so, 1 single Fate member has you all shook
  5. Tonight we got wind of Vengeance wanted a 'redemption trip' after being demoralized. OG leader @FLOWER who got demoted/suspended by Fate crying for his rank back, on top of that we ended vengtards pk trip on tuesday GMT timezone lmao the leaks are real. @smishedyou can't stop us and never will. Tonight 7 clans went into the altar fighting for control, 2 hours later only Fate+Bullfrogs remained on the battlefield in this 2v2v2v1 battle with us never leaving the battlefeild once, with every clan in the med scene on a joint pk trip vengtards+PD / EZ+SV to fighting Deathrow for majority of the time. See for yourself the first 90 seconds of Vengeance being leaked again in the Video, you wont be disappointed! Vengeance merge trip Like i said we start massing up some numbers soon as we go the highlight from Vengeance HQ , quickly seeing PD with them and having a large numbers advantage we still showed up like we always say we do! Down 10 or down 50 we will hit you for the luls no matter what day or time ladies. What they did try was spam in singles acting like they were trying to barrage a clump out or something, the door was closed the entire time as they spammed like dumbfucks in singles, embarrasing as we all laughed at your shit attempt. Watch at the start of the video to see this shit clan veng look like clowns. After only 15 minutes they gave up, leaving us the easy victory. Our single pkers killed the remaining veng kids trying to run south lmao. You make this so fucking easy for us @smishedkeep crying to every clan rank on runescape, no one is saving you. After vengeance+PD left Elite Shits decided to show up with Shit V, they lasted 7 minutes before running away... People are suppose to be scared of you guys? help me out here. All in our epic 14 minute POV sped up x4 The main action was with DeathRow, giving us the most action today we took it as a blessing considering we been cheated out of 2 fights no longer than 15 minutes from above clans. It was a barrage fest inside the altar with massive clumps on both sides, Deathrow got into a couple 7-8 man clumps at the end that gave us the victory and full clear. Almost a hour fighting EZ+SV decided to crash the fight and got sent back to lvl 30 in 2 minutes. Deathrow tried to log in under the fight to cause a cluster only getting caught in big clumps that gave us the win. Being the Last clan standing and ending every other clan we said a few spams and walked off the battlefield with chins up high and hyped as fuck.
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