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Status Updates posted by l3reed

  1. ahh what a terrible day to be ly, join a different clan. its not worth it staying there.

  2. dont let anything allow you to forget that legacy was cleared by sf.

  3. pour some liquor out for my dead homies over there in ly. chins up. 

  4. remember ly lost to og and sf, weekend is here zenith is coming.

  5. what a terrible night to by in ly. 

  6. this ly audio is damning....yikes

  7. hard to have an aftermath when you didn't get to do anything. Get used to it. its only down hill from here.

  8. Tired of Lobby screen, hugging singles and lower pulls everyweek?  Join Zenith we actually play the game.

  9. Ly couldn't do it, fo couldn't do it. What makes people believe the perpetual 5th to 7th place clan can. It's just an amalgamation of all the kids who failed the first 2 times.

  10. Foe needs to deal with their internal issues instead of piping up

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