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Critical Damage 1 year Anniversary - 170 people peak - ft. TLP/Doom/Op/Rd/Sup/Sd/Eop/Vr


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Critical Damage, Sovereign, and fatality took on the entire HPC scene forcing them all into one cape.


If you pulled 170, I'm surprised you had to team with multiple clans as soon as the trip started. Nice job on the pull, however you lost all of your fights and really should rethink going up against three top tier clans when you have 5 odd brown sticky stuffters with ya

are you broccolied lmao, youre braindead lad, we had 170 purple usain bolts we bullied eop,dome,tlp so they all teamed up lmaoooooooo

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Critical Damage, Sovereign, and fatality took on the entire HPC scene forcing them all into one cape.


If you pulled 170, I'm surprised you had to team with multiple clans as soon as the trip started. Nice job on the pull, however you lost all of your fights and really should rethink going up against three top tier clans when you have 5 odd brown sticky stuffters with ya

Teamed with multiple clans.... lost all our fights..... sounds like what happened to TLP today o.O

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Critical Damage, Sovereign, and fatality took on the entire HPC scene forcing them all into one cape.


If you pulled 170, I'm surprised you had to team with multiple clans as soon as the trip started. Nice job on the pull, however you lost all of your fights and really should rethink going up against three top tier clans when you have 5 odd brown sticky stuffters with ya


Not our fault that Sv has same cape as us but we did manage to defeat doom/tlp 1 vs 1 before rest of you came to help.

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I'm confused if you pulled 170 and SV pulled 60 shouldn't that add up to 230 then? Btw SV claims they pulled 70. gratz eop gratz tlp

1. We did have 222 in one of our pictures. Look at it.

2. We said 60 starting.



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GL in the HPC scene, better get more mains lmao



fking brown sticky stuffclan

Whoa like why are you so mad if you won? Why you hating on CD? It's our birthday, and we decided to go have some fun. Why does that anger you? You must've lost 200 return sets today lmfao your bank must look like a desert. 

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Critical Damage, Sovereign, and fatality took on the entire HPC scene forcing them all into one cape.


If you pulled 170, I'm surprised you had to team with multiple clans as soon as the trip started. Nice job on the pull, however you lost all of your fights and really should rethink going up against three top tier clans when you have 5 odd brown sticky stuffters with ya

Peaked at 170

Didn´t team with clans from the start


"lost all of your fights" ? ???

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Whoa like why are you so mad if you won? Why you hating on CD? It's our birthday, and we decided to go have some fun. Why does that anger you? You must've lost 200 return sets today lmfao your bank must look like a desert. 

Actually I have 35 defence which means I rarely die at all, especially not to brown sticky stuffclans :)

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