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people like you make Zu look full down syndrome...



The flame bait is real

idk what you talking about but Ascent never joined in on our trip??

and im pretty sure they have an active memberbase

prep them and they will still pull ~20

Think they just don't go out in weekend cause the timezone is fucked up for them



And what have you achieved in pure clanning?



god how many clans does S team with? (it's a joke don't take me literally - if you want to see our pull is actually legit u can pm me on irc ill show u a pic of our signups :P)


ur a fuckin tomato though if you think Ascent comes to Supremacy's trips...what the fuck?


@OP: Didn't you make like two clans and they both closed pulling 10 each time?




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While I will admit that I did have a phase of flaming and which I do not feel proud of, I have stopped completely and did apologize for that to my members and since have worked on rebuilding not only my image and relationships with people in this community, but also my own clan. You should try to do the same and not keep resentments, it makes life a whole lot easier trust me. 


And as far as not doing anything, we have 2 preps a week and have been doing that every week for the past month. The reason why we dont go out is because we are more focused on getting better matched and practicing p2p which consequently isnt happening on sundays for MPC's. I dont know why you would even make this topic considering you were apart of our clan 2x times throughout your short lived 2 year runescape experience. We basically taught you about pure clanning, actually we literally introduced you to pure clanning and brought you straight from edgeville. This is so disrespectful and a slap in my face considering I was literally the only one in your corner when you came back to ascent each time. I personally tweeted jagex for your videos and got you 3k views and a personal shotout from jagex on twitter. This is an absolute insult and honestly sad that you would after so many months of being away from ascent and having NO relationship with us just blatantly make this topic insulting our community.


Things like this are literally a concrete example of why its so discouraging to even be apart of this community (not sharkbrew, just the pure community). Instead of horrendously slurring another clan why dont you focus on your own and contribute something to this community instead of shoot down somebody else's.


You have no right to overtly call out ANY clan when in fact you have no credibility with your own.


Really ashamed of you adam..


And if this is a reply for our "brown sticky stuffcunt" list on our forums, I spoke to you about that and even made amends with you. I thought we moved on from this.





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Let me just go ahead and end you now. What high ranks have left us please tell me? Beau didn't drop from anywhere he's still a big part of our clan and just because he went warlord means nothing? Vpt you're just mad because you clans you tried to make all failed, you just wish that you could make something even near ascent. On our bad day we will still pull more than you could ever pull. You say that Beau flames dude that's all you do and you suck at it get a life and move on. If you took your clan half as serious as you trying to flame you might have made a good clan but probably not. The reason why we don't go out on weekends is because we're doing things irl and no one wants to pk on Saturday at 6 pm est just don't want to do it. I don't see it as a bad thing that we don't want to spend our Saturday night on a pk trip instead of being out living our life it's called having a life and I understand you don't know anything about that. But thanks for giving us publicity.


Btw this is Brad.


Hello brad,


first off, i'd like to congratulate u on using Eddie's account.  He has a rare condition where he thinks that jayleen bitch is his wife or something.  erm


secondly, im glad we could have a typing conversation rather than a talking one, because frankly every thing u say i can barely understand :/


third, DONT TRY TO RUN A brown sticky stuff CLAN IF U THINK U HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO ON SATURDAY THE 1 DAY THAT COUNTS.  Don't talk to me about having a life on SHARKBREW FORUMS L0L0L0L0L0L0L0L0 U MONKEY.  Gtfo the game if saturday is too much for your slumpy ass.

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Just to clear some brown sticky stuff up.




This topic is filled with false statements. 


You're just so salty because we banned you from Ascent multiple times. Why?


You 'borrowed' gp from multiple members to feed your staking addiction. Not only did you get cleaned with that borrowed gp, but when the members asked you for their gp  back, you told them to go "fuck themselves." @Zu Don't lend him any gp.


Shortly after, you started up your own clan 'Demise' in which shortly we closed. You then came back to Ascent for a short week, and then left again to start up your clan Purenement(however you spell it) which yet again closed.


Please continue to spread your false propaganda. We all find it quite comical. 


yes.  ur members r brown sticky stuff and i didnt give them money.  now stop begging.

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LOL this guy is still going?? 

rofl obv very salty...

Think it's clear to say Ascent is still a normal clan, and if people actually had some brains they can see that...

This kid is obviously mad he got kicked from ascent and his "clans" failed miserable

not much left to say... #salty

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