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Fatality midweek cluster


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Fatality massed up 15 players later peaking at 20 for a set up cluster fight vs Unwanted and Misfits the fight would start at gdz where Uw rushed us at white plat, we would battle on white plat for some time wrapping on them and being aggressive with our specs, MF would later rush from the north. We later reset at C/a where we would spread just west of 18 ports to rush misfits, we quickly started pushing their north side and pushing them back to the trees just east of c/a telly, UW would come to make the fight fun as we all battled with each other from pond to corp and back to c.a. Zenith would later crash the fight with about 30 to make it even more interesting. We pulling into the pocket just east of c/a and began holding it down picking off the zenith mf and uw players that were inside. The fight would go from ghost hut to corp and back to c.a. With every clan resetting we pulled west around the trees to bait mf/z into a choke point. We got a nice gwas as they quickly tellied out back to c/a. Good fights on a Thursday night with most of the pure clans attending the cluster. 



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