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Everything posted by Nature

  1. looked like you're clan died in the beginning/ending....
  2. 6:03 kid still dont see a video from zu looks like nemesis provided the IRREFUTABLE #facts and tock this win vs zu
  3. i see i tought u well with providing facts. nemesis owned zu today lol
  4. because thats how it was before retart?
  5. looks like another loose for lt!
  6. l0l they suck gj nemsis with vids but chesty is just a other tomato too
  7. wow zu have no videos like always. getting owned in p2p like always. running away when they're clan is getting dropped like always.
  8. so random... lmfao... this guy is probably a virginia himself
  9. hear come all the butthurt zu members.. cant blame them though theyre clan has been slumping since cv put them there
  10. more lieing coming from this pathetic kid, #FACTS... op sounds mad hes clan sucks
  11. what else do u expect from zu and theyre 20 man pulls join cp if u want to join a real clan bro.
  12. @@Crafted_ nice slump l0l
  13. LOL at you lieing on these forums because i killed u 3 times my self with cp on saturday.
  14. why do u type so much bs nobody is reading this you dirt bag
  15. looked as boring as you're trips.
  16. first of all kid, i post way more better stuff than you on here all u do is flame/bait without providing any facts like me. second of all dont flame me again before i tell toxic what u told me on irc bundle of twigset
  17. "To kickstart our P2p miniwars, we asked Authority for a P2p miniwar. Being so used to beating them when Redemption was open we said why not." l0l owned
  18. kid idc about eop and they're propagenda we will still own you in the wilderness like sunday.
  19. to bad nemesis doesnt even do f2p and hides in p2p kid
  20. we where better when we where just cv toxic+parm are the best duo leaders in pure clanning they dont need cp for advice lol...
  21. hopefully more of these ex-cp retarts leave so it can just be us cv i know zu/eop/soup are scared since we shat on them every trip wtih #1 cv
  22. @hen-ry if fi is so good like u say in every post why do u loose every full out to foe/mm? too many tomatos on sharbkrew l0l

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