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Everything posted by Berto

  1. Nice CP, really stepping up recently, those levels are quite tasty but you really should get 39 def would be ez life.
  3. You didn't dip to single every 30seconds because of same cape, it was because you were getting dicked.
  4. "keep going in and out" Sounds like what blue side just did to red.
  5. Lol, turned up with iron arrows and trout, still was ez.
  6. Godbless, soup still had 30+ when u dipped from CA, pretty sure they gained numbers in the fight rather than lost anyone, i think the only people that died were our 2 lvl 70s that died to the random 50/60s dancing next to the fight. Still looked like a fun trip, just get ur members to grind a little ayeeee.
  7. was very ez. Tlp's tactics of keeping the cape to act like they aren't getting dicked. Doesn't work when they run away to single though, too obvious TLP!
  8. Gj eos, nice to see your return to clanning is being successful in the skullball scene
  9. I enjoyed 2k8/9 honestly but the few months pre-eoc was that much of a 39 def brown sticky stufffest it was brilliant and fun as fuck.
  10. wtf supremacy won a prep? LOLOLOLLOLO Na chill, Ham probably carried <3333
  11. Berto


    Sniping pures has always been a pass-time for brown sticky stuffty main clans that can't compete with other main clans. God bless.
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