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Fresh To Death

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    Fresh To Death reacted to Retard Army in Ruin Declares on OP   
    wrong topic genius
  2. Like
    Fresh To Death reacted to Colin in Is this an accurate representation?   
    Redemption is literally the leftover sperm on the side of the pillow that somehow turned into a pure clan. 
  3. Like
    Fresh To Death reacted to Goatspeak Amulet in [D]oom's Final Saturday Trip of 2015 | 60+ Demons | Destroying Everything   
    hello friends of sharkbrew.com its me your favourite unbiased and unhuman 100% goat reporter. i do not have much time today as i am very busy helping santa claus prepare his bag of goodies for his trip through gielinor. 
    i can honestly tell you with 100% certainty that the mighty mighty demonic demons of doom killed the flamboyant pink caped team 7 clan today in many clean 1v1s, other clans such as the team 30 and team 47 clans were irrelevant so who cares about them am i right?! the doom demons slaughtered team 7 and any other clan that got in their way.
    such a shame before christmas in my honestly opinion, this should be time for love and peace and happiness and compassion but these pesky demons just keep causing trouble and heartbreak by killing many flamboyant inferior clans. their bloodlust is out of control and im going to have a long discussion with santa claus because i truly believe these mighty and unstoppable doom demons do not deserve any presents this holiday after their never ending naughty acts of bullying clans weekend after weekend.
    news flash doom demons! you will be receiving coal this year! your acts of slaughtering clans and bullying people will not go unnoticed by santa claus! 
    to everyone else i wish you a happy hanukkah
    and watch out for stray doom demons as they could seriously do harm to you or your family.
  4. Like
    Fresh To Death reacted to slowcore in [D]oom's Final Saturday Trip of 2015 | 60+ Demons | Destroying Everything   
    I honestly think their edge recruits ran out of supplies l0l
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    Fresh To Death reacted to slowcore in [D]oom's Final Saturday Trip of 2015 | 60+ Demons | Destroying Everything   
    CD got railed so hard lmfao brown sticky stuff clan.
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    Fresh To Death reacted to rT FAMILIA in Critical Damage Saturday Domination: This is why I'm CD   
    Rofl was a fun fight at ca, too bad you guys gave up on the returns. Thanks for the scims, was ez
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    Fresh To Death reacted to ewby in Critical Damage Saturday Domination: This is why I'm CD   
    lmfao cd
    the only clan to log out in the middle of a return fight and claim a win LOL ur clan is a joke


    ^taken from your pics, how do you lose with mains? lmfao
  9. Like
    Fresh To Death reacted to Retard Army in CD Friday P2P: Ft Dooms week prep & CT/BRUT   
    can't tell if you're a main clan or not
    prob explains why you haven't had a weekend trip topic in 4 weeks
    prob explains why you haven't had a prep victory in over 2 months
  10. Like
    Fresh To Death reacted to Mustafa in Supremacy does it again [P2P]   
    lmao nty everytime i watch one of ur vids its fat horizon 1v1ing some1 in single
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    Fresh To Death reacted to Iron Scimitar in [D]oom's Sunday | 76 Man Pull | Demoralizing Everything In Our Path | 11/29/15   
    hello my friends. today i am not reporting from dead man mode on my iron man mode account. why you may ask? because i am at the graveyard of shadows in the wildy mourning the loss of the clans that fell today by the hands of the mighty doom demons. i was walking through the wilderness having terrible and frightening flashbacks of the complete and utter annihilation that i witnessed the pink cape clan/red cape clan go through yesterday, and today what i saw was no different than before. i trembled before the might of the doom demons as i saw them today because i saw that clans were so scared that they would run away (to "singles" as the pure clans say) as soon as they caught a mere glimpse of the doom demons coming their way. the pitiful clans were very unfortunate though because of the fact that the demon members of doom are quite skilled in fighting battles 1 on 1 so no matter where the scared clans went they were not spared from the rage filled wrath of the doom demons. every where i walked in the wildy there were at least 30+ demon members of doom killing members of their competition and along with that 1 kill came 30+ rune scimitars of loot. there was no where for me to go and no where for me to hide in the wildy. i scream and run for my life to edgeville as i hear battle cries all around me from the doom demons saying "h00t h00t" and "@@@@@@@" followed by the slicing and stabbing of their scimitars. no one can save us from these monsters. they spare no one except for me because i am one of their few allies (thank you demons). thank you doom demons i am grateful that you show favor towards me but not to anyone else (pink cape clan/red cape clan/blue cape clan/yellow cape clan).
  12. Like
    Fresh To Death reacted to Boomer in [D]oom's Sunday | 76 Man Pull | Demoralizing Everything In Our Path | 11/29/15   
    I give CD 2 more weeks before they close.
  13. Like
    Fresh To Death reacted to Bounty in [D]oom Saturday F2P Pk Trip | Demolishing CD.   
    CD claims you had 5-10 mains right? It's obvious they're delusional, because i was on my scout yesterday and saw CD mains&they was trying to get Doom deep wild, so mains could attack you, but you act smart and stayed in CA. That was smart move, i saw cd rush you with 82 while you had 64 and totally demolished them, they had no chance against you guys. And this happened all saturday. CD should go and get more edge pkers,so they MIGHT defeat you  100 v 50. Good job.. you dominated lpc scene yesterday. Looked CD topic too, that propaganda lmfao. They must be really desperate
  14. Like
    Fresh To Death reacted to Sm0ky in [D]oom Saturday F2P Pk Trip | Demolishing CD.   
    CD had always more people than us, that didn't stop us from raping them in every single fight. You lost 65v80, you lost return fights, we ended you. Remember we did this to you CD scum
  15. Like
    Fresh To Death reacted to Retard Army in [D]oom Saturday F2P Pk Trip | Demolishing CD.   
    the cape counter isn't that bias
    you should consider taking a peak at that 
    in the first video posted
    0:19 Shows CD rushing up 9
    1:40 Doom matches it
    2:25 it says Doom has 15 more people
    2:50 CD books it to corp because they are down 25
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    Fresh To Death reacted to Goatspeak Amulet in [D]oom Saturday F2P Pk Trip | Demolishing CD.   
    another weekend where the mighty doom demons demolish the flamboyant pink caped clan known as critical bank loss. who can stop these mighty marauders when they demoralize clans even while down opts... who will put a stop to these mighty beasts!? we may never see a day where the demonic demons of doom will be sent back to the pits of hell to leave us peaceful citizens of gielinor. i personally saw the doom demons slaughter every clan that was in the dangerous lands of the wilderness today and it has not been the first time they've shown their unstoppable strength.
  17. Like
    Fresh To Death reacted to Pain in CD's Saturday - Smacking Shit Clans   
    I love how all your pictures show games neck in inventories. Returning after getting brown sticky stuff on by doom, to take a picture and feel relevant
    That is sad and utterly pathetic.
  18. Like
    Fresh To Death reacted to Retard Army in CD's Saturday - Smacking Shit Clans   
    how did it feel losing up 15 in ca?
  19. Like
    Fresh To Death reacted to tribal in CD's Saturday - Smacking Shit Clans   
    I really enjoyed the video.
  20. Like
    Fresh To Death reacted to Mustafa in EoP vs supremacy/hostility/exiled force/imperial F2P Run in   
    thats imperial lol
  21. Like
    Fresh To Death reacted to Ari in Grtz Doom   
    if ur gonna cry about our 1 kid using his friend's account
    then explain ur invites pls:

  22. Like
    Fresh To Death reacted to موني in Grtz Doom   
    We were on a 10 prep streak before we even prep'd SV
  23. Like
    Fresh To Death reacted to Kim in Looking for a signature   
    @@Fresh To Death
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