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Everything posted by Trajan

  1. idk how main clanning works but it looks to me like u owned
  2. Can't argue, still kind of disgusting considering that your leadership doesn't just not tell members to stick to pures, they actively ask them to jump on mains. I've been in rivalries that devolved into main wars before. Trust me, you don't want that. There's a reason I refuse to log on to my mains despite being sniped by Envy mains throughout my vid. I'm not about to escalate it, cba with that cancer anymore.
  3. should probably tell people to stop double logging on mains if you wanna claim you're fighting down that many .-.
  4. Actually, he allowed your declaration to stay open DESPITE A ML BEING REQUIRED BY SB RULES because he wanted to see the fight happen. He asked you to try to work things out with AAO. Your response was to first agree to make an ml, then refuse to make an ml, and do everything you could to NOT try to work things out with AAO. It's pretty obvious you don't want to actually fight and you're just doing this to try to build up hype for your god awful clan. I'm gonna let you in on a little secret: nobody actually cares about the broken sb declaration system if you bring 10+ mains to the wilderness and still lose and when the last time you tried fighting us in clan wars this happened: You killed like 6 people total across 2 rounds lmfao. You're losing everything, in both servers, in wildy and clan wars. Give us an ml, and quickly please. I want to see your reaction when you get stomped.
  5. Do you actually think I'm dumb enough to let a clan declare a fullout on me with no ml? I want to fight Envy, not Envy + 50 random invites. Look at the rules they asked for lmfao, they declared using rules that they know full well we would never agree to and they refuse to negotiate with us despite our entire rank team and a random Sharkbrew mod (who allowed their declaration to stand despite violating the rules btw) asking them to try to come to terms with us so the fight can happen. They have no intention of actually fighting us, the only purpose of their declaration was so they could make propaganda topics about us being "scared to fight". If they actually wanted this to happen, they would have 1. made an ml like literally every other clan that uses the declaration system and 2. been open to discussing the rules to make sure they were fair to both clans.
  6. Ngl if your ranks are trying to tell you that they are straight up lying to you homie. Starting opts for the fight on 26 hill: Numbers right as EOP got there: Starting for the fight at hills hut: Ending numbers when EOP got there: Took those all from the vid. You can watch it yourself if you don't wanna believe me lol.
  7. yo still waiting on the MANDATORY SCREENSHOT of your memberlist btw @Don Elmir how about you put up or shut up, fight us in an ml locked matched fight pussy or are you too scared your members aren't up to it? Imagine being so insecure about your members quality that you refuse to get an ml so you can bring invites to carry you LOL
  8. 99 wc no pet atm ffs
  9. yo bro this guy is currently losing a rivalry and trying to start a second one on top of it lol
  10. Imagine not having a memberlist in 2k18 LOL Imagine pulling 40 and asking for a 100v100 LOL Imagine bring double digit mains and getting absolutely smoked in a 1v1 LOL Legit, you're asking for a fight that's going to be MINIMUM of 60% invites and you expect us to accept? Get the fuck out of here, we want to prep Envy not do a fucking Red vs Blue event. If you want to fight with your own members get your useless ranks to scrape together an accurate memberlist, then pm me. Considering you got perfected last time you tried to fight AAO in clan wars matched I'm not sure why you're trying to make it sound like we're scared of you. Also, get the fuck out of here with your 1 def cap. The scene moved on to 20 def caps weeks ago, and you've had kids in mith, addy, and rune with you at every trip since you fucking opened lmfao.
  11. Yo bro just read this entire site and absolutely nowhere did anyone ask
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