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Status Updates posted by Dynamic

  1. Unbiased opinion on todays eop vs foe fight: Eop was stupid to hit foe in 5 wild cuz eop has a shitton of high levels with mithril that couldnt attack foe members, foe fought back knowing this and decided to bail out with a propaganda spam when eop started going north where everyone could attack eachother. Eop won today.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Dynamic


      @holydreams im sorry that you lost today but i'm glad you guys are pulling good again!

    3. Pauna


      Foe played it well lets see if they maintain

    4. Satans


      Wasn't there, but looks like fo were hugging ditch and trying to claim a win, pretty pathetic, expected from betas tho

  2. gz to apex for winning round 3 with 1 less at the start

  3. lpc closed xlpc lol

  4. tfw u walk past an ir vs supremacy fight and you see as many mains as pures, god bless anyone on either clan

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mustafa


      yeh makes sense when im banned from envy l0l try next one

    3. Don Elmir
    4. slime


      That's from supremacy ts lol cmon men

  5. misfits is incredibly good at teleporting out with 50 people in half a second, very good team chemistry right there

  6. tfw inactive from clanning for 3 years and suddenly its allowed to teleport away when ur clan gets in trouble smh

  7. anyone streaming red vs blue? or is it finished already

    1. odin all in

      odin all in

      its done cp and fi w/ team blue team red down 100 opts cant fight

  8. got to love pure clanning in 2015 wtf

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Dynamic


      @HolyDreams i dont claim anything and i dont make topics, i just wish clans had a little more respect.... missing pre-eoc atm

    3. holydreams


      @Dynamic listen here man. How do you think we feel when after every trip, no matter what happens, Fatality always claims to have been the best and won everything. I have NEVER seen them say we lost on a topic when they actually do like today, last week, two weeks ago. every single trip of this year lol. When that changes I will have respect for Fatality

    4. Murd


      Don't flame people and expect not to be flamed back. Look what resulted of it today after all that flame towards tlp lol

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