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Everything posted by Abyssal_

  1. no one likes your brown sticky stuff clan, cd is the pot of 2k15.
  2. We had a late night event for fun after we cleared everything in the wild (: ir0ny won
    1. Abyssal_


      clearing ip left and right

    2. Parm


      tuned in for a couple mis was good looked like you all had fun keep it up

  3. you have a maxed pure vidding yet you claim to be a lpc o k
  4. whatever respect i had for cd just died when lvl 100s in full rune killed me and their lvl 120s where skulled killing our lvl 80s. nice "scouts" you downies

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Plawpy


      advanced scouting

    3. Parm


      adapt or die tomatos

    4. Murd


      how does a lvl 80 die to a 120 in under lvl 20 wilderness

  5. its just some unfc pking lol who wouldn't..
  6. you're a nobody most likely in a clan filled with nobodys, please leave this community you spastic.
  7. we will stay lvl 50-60 , that's why any matched fight overheads off we win easily cause our accounts don't suck lol (most lpc have 60s in mith)
  8. the sad part is we are older than all of you =[
  9. you already have the levels, and most you're members don't multi clan either i think.
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