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Everything posted by Abyssal_

  1. not your first mini, we beat you in like 5-6 minis that why you stopped fighting us in clw lol.. who brings lvl 120s to clw smh..
  2. when pure sites got ratted...
  3. Whats fatality's biggest nightmare? august 4th
  4. bloody vikingz , just cause the fact it had a z not an s LOL or wreckless because zee kevin put that w for no reason
  5. we are the most active f2p wildy clan, and we make bank p2ping at lavas. @me
  6. well imso beast has been with me before so i'll pick him cigarollo or mash
  7. 75% of the "lpcs" open right now have the levels of mpcs (80 cmb, overheads and mith) but scared to make the transition because of the multi clanning that will end with it
  8. YOOO lmfao can't wait for eop to respond back this brown sticky stuff funny af
  9. thats a good one, leech cause he was actually a friend of mine chain or p0ke n die
  10. fatality had one of the most elite mini units ever 2009-2010 cp also had a really strong one 2009-2010 too that could compete with cp and this imo was the best i ever got to mini with and the end of xl when we had had a unit that could beat anyone in our brackets (me cigarollo hon0r kirby romnick mirror ir0ny and rajj) i mean ef was good for their brackets too and i enjoyed p2ping with them but wouldn't consider them having a great unit, just a couple good people like itz swag and googs..
  11. halloween and tanqe LOOOOOOOOOOOL
  12. got to start sniping cd again lmao everytime we did it we cleared you guys until you called your potato masherlovers np and ip to come and help you fight. edit- you know this clan is a bunch of massers when we fall in with 20 ppl using their capes, pile the leader and no one notices
  13. i still remember when we had a first to 100 vs cd and they brought 10 lvl 120s and said "they are wearing 1 def gear" lmao.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mash


      flame my boy again and ur fking dead @ben xd

    3. TBR


      mate, you think CD care what you think, they were hated as 126s

    4. Benk


      Smd @Mash tomato

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