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Everything posted by Horg

  1. brown sticky stuffarrow42 is gonna be so mad when he comes back, CD is being led to the ground while he's gone rofl.

    1. ewby


      Lmfao what a sad clan

  2. I'm starting to feel bad for CD, they try so hard to defend themselves when there really isn't much left to defend.....CD is just dead at this point
  3. looked like you guys had a good trip, gotta figure out the whole cape situation with CD though. They would pretty much be inside of you guys and it would look like you guys were 2v1ing clans without meaning to lol.
  4. I actually find it hilarious, this is just 1 of the many down syndrome members that CD has lol.
  5. Sith tries so hard, give it a week and CD will promote him to Senior member like the almighty Kim Na Na!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Parm


      @Sith- lets open a pserver clan together

    3. Sith-


      Lol! I think you were looking for our new elder toxic

    4. Parm


      @Sith- not if i want the clan to last over 3 months!

  6. We won and lost vs every clan today, it's practice m8. Y U MAD DOE?
  7. That's your excuse now for getting brown sticky stuff on 1v1 rofl. You think people don't know the reason why you don't like clan wars? Wildy - Brings mains, fights get crashed, not matched opts, team with other clans. Clan wars - Easy to pick out mains, fights can't get crashed, matched opts, no teaming with other clans. It's that simple, try using your very few brain cells to comprehend that. I tried making it simple for you brother cuz I know it's hard for you.
  8. Last time Doom and CD fought it was 39v39 and we lost 4 people, ofc they're not gonna want to prep us. They're scared brown sticky stuffless.....they keep saying "wildy this wildy that" because they need to bring mains and invites and have clans crash in order to have any chance of beating us rofl. People should know this brown sticky stuff by now, CD has the worst quality in ranks/members they sit there with autotypers mass recruiting newbs in w308 what do you expect from that garbage clan.
  9. Sadly I wasn't there but it looks like we did work, gj guys
  10. I appreciate your reply, there may be some confusion with sv and cd having the same capes. You guys should figure that out so there's no more confusion Good job on your trip as well btw
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