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Everything posted by Colton

  1. Lmfao, I wonder why Sky Fury gets on SML so much and RIP CD
  2. You seem mad when you pk lol, nice vid though @
  3. This actually made me laugh, what an tomato lol. @@Dude
  4. www.Olympus-rs.com Teamspeak: Ts.Olympus-rs.com IRC #Olympus Thanks to Ruin for the P2P mini was fun, we need to do some more P2P events! Round 1: Starting 6 Ending: 5 Round 2: Starting: 6 Ending: 6 [2nd Set] Round 1: Starting 6: Ending: 5 Round 2: Starting 6: Ending 6 Vid:
  5. Colton

    PC Help

    IMO I would build your own PC, It's relatively easy and kind of fun. Just get either a Amd FX 6300 Processor or a low tier i5 and that would be good for the CPU part, then GFX card id go with either a Nvidia 750 Ti or a Radeon R9 270x. @@WOPA
  6. Colton

    PC Help

    Upgrade the GFX card, It's nice but could be better. I suggest getting a Radeon R9 280x, That's what I went with and it's great. Your processor is one of the best so no need to change that.
  7. Nice win Apex! Let's get a P2P mini later today?
  8. Looked fun, good brown sticky stuff
  9. Unfortunately I had to go after our first 2 fights so I didn't see how the rest of the trip went.. but what I did see is us clear you twice in the same invy. Thanks for the action tho was fun
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