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Status Updates posted by Timbo

  1. what's new on the brew?

  2. what's new on the brew?

    1. Andy


      You don't even know the half of it sister

  3. What's new on the brew?

  4. What's new on the brew?

  5. What's new on the brew?

  6. What's new on the brew?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NL_Ronald


      o wait haha that's nothing new

    3. ultama


      CD managed to post a weekend topic full of propaganda to prevent themselves from going 1 month without a weekend topic xd

    4. Dinoz
  7. What's new on the brew?

    1. raaw


      CP still on top

    2. Kenan N Kel

      Kenan N Kel

      Cp still doodoo alongside every hpc

    3. Hog


      rage losing and teaming with lpcs

  8. What's new on the brew?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 17_


      Ruin still suck, they're closing into Doom last I heard

    3. Maaku


      tlp and ruin are brown sticky stuff clans

    4. mother
  9. What's new on the brew?

    1. Lionel


      brown sticky stuff clans get dicked daily

    2. Persian Tom
  10. What's up with the Jcup?

    1. Retard Army

      Retard Army

      Seems like more of a joke than the Sharkbrew admins running CPL!

  11. What's up with the Jcup?

  12. what's up with the jcup?

    1. Marko1


      foe wins again

  13. whats new on the brew?

  14. wheres dooms topic lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Timbo





      lol is all i have to say

    3. Retard Army

      Retard Army

      edit: vid is going up, topic after that lol

    4. Timbo


      you didn't address my picture m8

  15. why is hate trying to take a legacy clan's cape lol

  16. Will CD fight us tomorrow? That's the question!

    1. ZZZ7


      id say nice irl, but i honestly wasnt impressed. step up lilnigga

  17. word on the street is that doom did inners in the wilderness today lol

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