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Everything posted by StinkFace

  1. You have #1 pure clan typed out in your sig..... Lmfao
  2. Lmfao fucking awkward as fuck.
  3. aint nobody got time to read all that brown sticky stuff. thanks for the tldr
  4. Don't forget that clan of the month is a joke!
  5. you're right, it's so much more legitimate if you just type it out like so. https://gyazo.com/257a1dec271b68a62f12874c883f5c2b
  6. @@Furious Can we get a verdict about how good fatality is? Don't hold back anything, say what's on your mind.
  7. What do you guys think? I personally enjoy the last two the best. Nice signature's^^ Crumble Crumble, doom.
  8. They won't move up, they're just trying to make everyone in their clan get 20def trying to compete. It worked for cp and op, didn't it......?
  9. Scared because of all the beatings we've given them in the wilderness this year and the not being able to touch us lol.
  10. Wouldn't be surprised. Owl left doom for foe so I'm guessing that they're not too happy about that lol.
  11. Clan of the month is a joke, isn't it? Then why do you have them in your signature and have been boasting about it for months? Lol
  12. You'll be there to witness doom in wilderness, right? Owait, they won't come out during the week lmfao
  13. 1 more than the amount that should count lmfao. Kids think typing words makes them a good clan.
  14. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/mistype?s=t scroll down a bit. I'm sorry you have to rely on a red line under a word for you to know if something is a word or not, it must be rough.
  15. you're embarrassing yourself..... just give up lmfa0
  16. Calm down xlpc. Nobody cares.
  17. And what word exactly am I making up? Lmfao.
  18. Huge that was mistyped and the e got dropped off. If you couldn't figure out a simple typing mistake you should be more careful about who you call autistic.
  19. Nigga legit spent days leading up to Christmas talking about they don't have a hug activity because of holidays, then 1/2 days after a holiday he flames a clans activity. Doom is really crumbling hard and have no fucking clue how to react.
  20. Was edited from what I posted, it was originally supposed to be along the lines of kys
  21. @@Furious i heard fatality is brown sticky stuff, can you confirm? also, what's the point of blocking out the time stamp next to salso's name on the bottom, but not on the name of the topic? You're fucking broccolied lol
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