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Everything posted by idiotsahaha

  1. inb4 CP ddos their own members so they can have an excuse for losing

  2. Why SV so salty? TLP gave SV 10+ the first round and almost won. Also, Doom had actual LPC/MPC accounts around the 70s to low 80s unlike SV, who brought a bunch of 100s and high 80s with them LOL. This post is embarrassing on SV's part
  3. No wonder FO kicked their members who got 30 defence. So they can have as many opts as possible for the Jcup and claim an easy tournament win with TLP not being there. Great way to save some face from the dicking they've been receiving for the past weeks.. Part of the plan all along. edit**
  4. 36 def, thought that was a main for a second there
  5. Why are OP members saying they won? The vid clearly show them getting push from 18p to single TWICE. Then they got cleared again at sperm. CP's tactics are rubbing onto OP more and more, claiming fake wins.
  6. Unless they take CP's tactic and bring like 30+ mains with them every weekend, then can't compete with the upper tiers
  7. Really bad excuse to wanting to kill someone
  8. Peaked 70, cape counter: 91 in one of the picture. Something doesn't add up.. Talking smack about Doom asking for ally... Contradicting here
  9. Shoutout to CP for running to singles after FO rushed at corp in while TLP stood their ground brown sticky stuff on FO after smacking CP around. Ya'll talk a lot of smack for telling your mains to rush in first before you guys do. Just stop with the banters until you guys go on a trip without invites and 20+ mains in the front line, it just make you guys look like tomatos.
  10. CP literally had 20+ mains again, fighting for them. When will they stop? The slump is so hard that they resort to LPC invites like FO
  11. Shoutout to CP for ending to go mass with LPCs after getting dicked by TLP

    1. Champ


      ??? We made you guys log in single, u ok?

  12. Did you read what you put? By communicating you mean standing at edge/w25 GE spamming join "chain is law"? By recruiting you mean ask OP to go on your trips and you'll do the same for them?
  13. Asking LPCs to attend your trips so you don't slump doesn't mean you're the best man
  14. Look like some cripple kid trying to open the door
  15. How many clans have you left/join so far?
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