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U mad tr0ll

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Everything posted by U mad tr0ll

  1. Firstly you havn't been here for 8 years, iv'e been in clans with more autistic leaders and still manage to pull off wins, but you're the only one thats proven that no matter how bad your clan is you will STILL be brown sticky stuff. Zu grew so much within a month and is slaughtering all you gypsies out the wild, and just remember you were the one that started flaming not me. And because you can run your mouth so well I hop you can back up all that brown sticky stuff tomorrow and NOT end your trip after 5 minutes in hiding. Don't pull a cold cp on me. b0yzz
  2. Pure dedication to clanning, Just known how much of a failure you have been for countless years and wanted to show everyone that you're still a failure now, and will always be. Why did you close all your clans may I ask? Why are you a member of a clan now? after so long. Shows how brown sticky stuff you are.
  3. Yeah, I cry myself to sleep sometimes, I cry how I my app in RD never got accepted, not sure how my 75 defence fully maxed pure didn't get accepted?!!? this is preposterous I say. Now you can't flame for brown sticky stuff because everyone knows your history you sly cunt.
  4. So basically, you have the leader who starts off a topic saying "Lt always loses" "Zu crosseyed" etc; Who apparently lead a clan called Sithlords (SL) in pre-eoc, Let me tell you a little bit about the history of this guy. He use to walk around World 57 with this auto-talker "Join Sithlords today #1 beast lpc clan" And a few months later decided to make his clan official. The clan would pull low numbers with down syndrome members who didn't know what a swordfish was. They would often teleport, Send the leaders of other clans messages such as "Omg stop bullying us or stop rushing us" and would attempt to have trips but always wenting into hiding because they could never compete. I helped them one or two trips and they lost EVERY battle EVERY trip, this was the most severe case of autism I had ever seen. After realising his LPC was a failure, he decided to merge with other failed clans. After merging he'd always change his name. The new name of the clan turned out to be SOP "Selection of Pussies" They grew with there numbers and STILL lost every battle, the leader would miraculously masturbate on teamspeak after losing and calling out every members name as punishment "Fuck you sn0rki you broccoli" "Fuck you Sop Soldier and Sop Daily" While continuously masturbating to take out his feelings on the clan. After losing every mini, every prep, every fullout, going into hiding EVERY weekend trip, the clan decided it was best to MASS some more. When resistance closed and others clans merged with them. They changed their name again. This time Terror [T]. They always grew confidence and thought they were the gods of the wilderness, but clans such as purefect [lead by allen LMFAO], mercy and sovereign still gave them gangbangs leaving holes more wider than Lisa annes. The clan Died eventually, they had so much fun in losing all their fights, getting hacked, put into hiding and curb stomped they finally thought it was time to swap to hello kitty island adventure. they still lost that game aswell, and decided Neopets was there home. Anyways back to the story, they joined 07, with the SAME leader Lmfao...Except...this time..A slight alteration. P50's, Mulugg, Horizon and Evezz were ranks of the clan. Sithlord was so proud of his clan losing every battle he has ever had to adding every OTHER failed leader to his clan. And every week since RD opened they would bring ragg gear to trips because of how poor they got, they would only have 1 set of gear for every weekend trip. I'd ask myself "Where is RD"? 5 minutes after mass and your clan leader calls it a day lmfao. You have ranks such as Mulugg, the SLUG eyebrowed Ethiopian, who'd oftenly showered in goats cum. Horizon who was amazingly fatter and more broccolied than peter griffin. They all shared something in common. Having access to the leaderboards on their website i'd find conversations from Evezz and Sithlord about asking 13th to reopen MM and Merge for their 5th time l000000l..or Evezz talking about how much of a "Mclovin" hes like in Sri-lanken schools. Eventually they got so bad they ranks just left, Til this day Sithlord still can't lead a clan and continuously loses battles. The reason he has so much hate for Mulugg is because Mulugg left him because of how brown sticky stuff his clan turned out to be. That is how the alliance ended, Mulugg couldn't give him head anymore so SIthlord would stay up and ask his mother for an extra "2 fishfingers mom and bowl of Ice-cream for the tubby fat cunt" Each and every night they had a bondage fetish for eachother, Sithlord would be tied on the bed and Mulugg would be the dominatrix forced to skull fuck Sithlord into submission. They both enjoyed it thoroughly, Sith would often cry a tear of joy and happiness while Muluggs strapon would open up his rosebud. Each week RD would get completely hacked by sovereign, until they went into hiding once more. They'd try to claim their first fullout win as they were running south with 3 straggles and the opposing team with 60 members untouched still LOL. They ended up closing their 4th clan. Sithlord joins another clan because he's realised after 2 years of leading your clan will still be brown sticky stuff. Hence why hes member in another clan. Sithlord will always remain as one of the most Downsyndrome, Autistic leaders in this community. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0nDye6q1FU And that kids is the story of the ethiopian slumdog and the Mithlord. *Morgan freeman* ~Zutang for a way out m8's
  5. Seems cool that you're doing this, but like the other guy said, its best if you dont add his facebook, to much scum on here now-days dude, dont trust anyone on here, they'll probably be more likely to troll you then support you. But I give you my full support
  6. Pure? Autistic? EoP's the right place for you www.eop-autism.com
  7. U mad tr0ll


    but rs is love...Rs is...life
  8. U mad tr0ll


    RvB...In wildy?? Pfft yeah ok mate sure. Cause that'll ever work.
  9. Man Nemesis is such a brown sticky stuff clan.
  10. Exactly right, they're cleared gold farmers, bots, all they have to do is the right decision and by that I mean LISTEN to the players, do what they think is best, such as changing back the animations for legacy like pre-eoc, and getting rid of that eoc brown sticky stuff. We know EoC won't go but Legacy has its alternatives if they change the requirements for defence and the items to wear for pures thats a start, Getting more F2P worlds and LEGACY worlds would make it wayyy more lively.
  11. Looked fun but to break this up, both clans bring invites and cheat. Want a real clan that DOESN'T have invites? #Zu is the place for you. Btw im not flaming.
  12. Join #Clan-zu #Clan-zu.com best clan here
  13. Dat moment when same poscount
  14. Hey bro Whats good! Welcome, Respect to Supremacy
  16. Lpc scene is looking strong which I like so far, as for the guy above me, The only thing interfering is the multiclanners and Leaders who indulge in this. And some clans are threatened to bring higher levels in order to compete as a LPC, Being a member of Zu it's safe to say i'd give the most props to Supremacy for maintaining "Actual" Lpc levels and not changing because of scarcity from other clans. In comparison to the others such as Zenith, Ascent, Conviction and Lt who have lots of Multiclanners.
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