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gay homo fagget

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Status Replies posted by gay homo fagget

  1. When I went to take the trash out to the curb this morning I immediately thought of Special Victims. Coincidence?

  2. Clans are afraid to prep UB. Makes us #1 automatically.

  3. this forum skin is absolutely garbage

  4. I cant find the topic from Slaughter?

  5. GJ SD + Rage + RU was fun today :)

  6. Looks like the clanning scene is really alive gj.

  7. Ruin left a mini vs Apex after losing first round LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO brown sticky stuff clan

  8. another day another sv loss

  9. Reply to my comment if you think Apex aren't very good

  10. Ruin is as dead as their nans. lmfao

  11. @slushpuppy why is there a limited amount of likes? its like i can only like 4 things each day lol

  12. We broke a new record nerds!

  13. Ruin seems a little silent for a clan who apparently pulled 68 today!

  14. Ruin should just close they are getting carried by a XLPC

  15. l0l there's more VR than TLP

  16. Will Apex ever prep us again? Are Olympus over the 'starvation' stage... Will they give us events yet? And doom just fucking suck and are scared lol.

    1. gay homo fagget

      gay homo fagget

      lmfao ruin is brown sticky stuff they are an MPC that wants LPC cmb cap lmfao yet they have hpc invites on saturdays???????????????

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  17. Will Apex ever prep us again? Are Olympus over the 'starvation' stage... Will they give us events yet? And doom just fucking suck and are scared lol.

  18. So whats new on the brew is Ruin pulled 7 to a 2 day prep vs Supremacy LMAO

  19. ow cp is die like pisstality ha ha ha

  20. why do people use a fake alias on sharkbrew? scared ur runescape friends will think less off u? ( @messi aka [CP]Shiny aka Shlny arow zz z z

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