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Everything posted by Jonathan

  1. do you even have eyes? they were bullied to 10 opts and then ruin ran in and thats when it went south, we later regrouped and cleared ruin though, so its alright
  2. lol not even going to watch the rest of that video, first 1 minute 20 seconds goes like this, aao vs apex 1v1 fight, apex is winning, aao calls on ruin for help, aao runs to singles and lets ruin fight apex, then aao joins in focusing on apex and starts saying walk of shame when they had nothing do with apex going south
  3. if you ever played os-scape the p server, and use the same password on other servers or rs or for your email, change your passwords now, the database was leaked

    1. ferocious


      Happens like every week lmao

    2. Persian Tom
  4. according to foe's ML they have an average of 12.86 def and they only have 1 account with 30 def, and like 5 to 7 with 26 - 29 def the rest are 25 or below, half their ML is actually 1 def
  5. either you guys bring MPCs with you, or you're an MPC, because that isnt an LPC account. that account is 79 combat mpc caps at 90 and lpc is 70
  6. accept it for the end of january so i can get my 94 mage
  7. we ended less than 30 minutes ago you spastic, and some of us are in hpc/mpcs we're usually in those ccs broccoli lmao btw, struan isnt a rank lmfao also, our topic is still being made, usually when you have a good trip it takes longer for a topic to be made because theres more action.. lmao, unlike you guys just sniping a few stragglers after we cleared you and dipped
  8. Lel when massacre closed I got like 20 messages from your members trying to recruit me and other ma members, this attempt at propaganda won't save you
  9. anyone can make a brown sticky stuff clan and call lmao i wouldnt be so proud of that and i guarantee i have more experience clanning than you do, especially since you need 20 def just to tank level 50s lol
  10. you're in the worst lpc, whats your point?
  11. played this server, its really well coded, like really well, you cant even tell if its real rs, although its obviously quicker xp/money and it averages 100 people online at any given time and its still in beta and hasnt been promoted in any way yet, other then by word of mouth, like what this post is doing and by no advertising i mean like its not on runelocus, top100, ect no other server can do that without getting advertised, thats just how well coded this is. eco.os-scape.com to check it out,
  12. you do realize that it says apex has 46 and ruin has 43 right? just cause theres a bunch of spam on screen doesnt mean anything lmfao
  13. is this a joke? the two videos you have is of you guys getting cleared by olympus then acting like you cleared them after they walked south down single strip lmfao and they STILL had more then you LOOOOOOOOOL and you guys say you're a respectable clan? you flamed op and you're flaming apex when you have literally no clips of you fighting us, do your members actually believe you guys are good?
  14. idk who you are either, i dont think it really matters either..
  15. tbh rage and slaughter should just do a full out, it'll mainly just be edge invites but yolo
  16. im 65 combat with 1 def LOL well at least a rage rank got something right (the fact that im 65 combat) also isnt one of your higher ranks 20 def? lmfao i avoided flaming in my topic post but im thinking i shouldve
  17. "L0l r u dumb?" idk but that seems like flamming, i saw it before you changed it to "k"
  18. idk why you're flamming me, we're in the same clan
  19. with envy moving up it seems its just going to be rage vs slaughter and smaller pulling clans that never enter the wildy. it already takes 3 years to get a fight going with 3 clans, this is going to be horrible af with 2 clans can some of you smaller clans merge? xd and please stop calling it xlpc, its lpc
  20. lol what? first of all, did you see us massing? we were the first in the wildy, and we dont mass recruit like you guys do.
  21. watch the video, we ran straight through you to singles..
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