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Posts posted by Nos

  1. Because people don't try or care enough to build a successful clan. The clans you see in xlpc aren't interested in becoming full time clans and are just there to domimate a weaker scene to enjoy success they can't obtain in lpc, hence why they never last long.

    When was the last time a clan opened up that wasn't just a shitty remake or had recycled members that was successful? Rage? Unless a legacy clan or a known clan (ala IR) reopen the status quo will remain the same boring way.

  2. I find it funny that the people who's not even in eop defending them in this topic saying some cringe replies like "you try too hard" or "not going to read" whenever FOE posts facts about this cancerous clan, yet turn a blind eye when eop makes countless shitty topics about FOE on a daily basis.

    Bunch of spineless, double standards pussies you lot are.

  3. 6 hours ago, Dynamic said:


    bet his ranks are laughing at this kid trying his best to fit in too lol

    Pretty sure they laugh at every member that make themselves look like cunts on this forum being dedicated to being a keyboard warrior like it's a full-time job.

    I would say it's sad, but then again I'm glad I have a better life lol

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