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Everything posted by davld

  1. So this is my advice to you, I'll do what I want, when I want, but one thing will never change. I ride for UB till UB is dead. I don't fucking like you, I don't like the way you speak to the members of UB, and I don't fucking respect you. I respect everyone else BUT you. Everyone also knows that after UB I'm going Main.
  2. wow you showed them lol haha
  3. I think op starting a rivalry with ub to make their clan seem interesting was just a bit of a mistake
  4. you're talking to a guy who autocast barrages in a p2p only clan dont bother my dude
  5. one of the worst matched clans spams 1v2 in the bank every weekend good that you agree it's delusional
  6. 1v2 against the two most delusional clans in the community was easy
  7. getting to the point where there needs to be a community intervention for op to stop piping up to ub
  8. when you forget to bring str potions but dr jekyll has you covered
  9. op are celebrating their amazing week on their forums and being the humble guys they are they didn't want to post it to the community site but I think we should appreciate what they've done. successful, winning, dominating, glorious, olympus.
  10. mfw getting cleared in .5 seconds is actually a highlight of your 30 minute trip
  11. if you're barraging into the centre of bandits it means you're clumped on the entrance mfw 4 total pictures and you still have to crop for propaganda
  12. nobody from the pure community who knows what they're doing will ever join your clan so idk why you keep trying with this terrible propaganda keep patching the holes with sand crab recruits my dude
  13. being pushed to single 3 times and sitting there dying 4:1 in 1v1's for 20 minutes until those ub members are finally out of food, then taking a picture and logging out lmfao big win my man
  14. 9 real prep loss streak for op and still bullied out of the wilderness every weekend unbelievable
  15. no robot no win and banned from the wilderness what a clan
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