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Status Updates posted by Drvgon

  1. Taking  @Don Elmir mother out for Korean BBQ. Heard he has no time since he's slaving 10 overtime hours later and slaving even more for Envy rn. Dw she'll be back before 10 fam.

    1. DilL


      why arent u taking me out :(

    2. Drvgon


      You probably wouldn’t even be able to eat @DilL LOL Elmir’s mother would get like 10 pieces of Kalbi 😂😂😂

    3. NiggV



  2. All Envy members probably being told to recruit 15 people by next week lmfao

    1. Public Relations Pig

      Public Relations Pig

      Very sad thing when a clan's only claim to being "dominant" is the amount of people they can lure into their open cc before every fight.

    2. exzrts
  3. Ty for prep ascent,gf. So I’m guessing this is why envy never preps BT o_0

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PICwarior381
    3. Don Elmir
    4. Drvgon


      1 minute ago, Don Elmir said:

      nice ur ass

      and you have heart problems irl lmfao

  4. With cd dead only relevant clans are going to be Fearless and Envy. Gl fam 

    1. CD15134562345



      You can hope little guy it might come true one day if you pray hard enough

  5. Cd leaving the xlpc scene already lol?

    1. Big Meat

      Big Meat

      When you comin back home

  6. Waiting for cd topic like 🌾👀🌾

  7. I heard envy had 90 opts when cd was at 30 wtf 

    1. TheReal


      Easy smoke for EnVy 

    2. NiggV


      we smoked them.

  8. Didn't look very good for Doomburst today lol

  9. Imagine OP getting snipe teams in their capes, up 15, and still getting massacred :thinking:

  10. Damn Outlaws isn't opening I guess FS is just going to keep dominating :/ 

  11. Op, cd, doom dead lmfao. Hopefully Outlaws provides some competition next week :)

    1. Ownage man

      Ownage man

      lmao hey nobody you were in our dicks 2 weeks ago hush

    2. Drvgon


      Status wasn't even about Ob yet an Ob kid comments :thinking: just proves how much you're striving to be relevant LOL

  12. Wheres doom at?This is supposed to be their opening weekend trip lol

  13. Gz doom on opening trip

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Halp
    3. Satans


      More balls plz, the last version of Doom was always keen to fight and would fight down 15/20 opts.

    4. exzrts


      Was fun fights!

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