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Everything posted by Birdman

  1. @ Confirm embarassed? LMFAO Top 4 Threads right now on Events Aftermath:
  2. GOTEEEM. Best Thread, Best Clan, Best Pull, Best Community, Best Pkers, Best Banks, Best Stats, Best History, Best Banter, Best Leadership, Best Forums, Best Irc, Best W/L Ratio, Best Dicks.
  3. It wasn't it was the time of our lives. Just being the best makes waiting for pisser clans to step into the wilderness for an hour exciting. So much fun brother.
  4. Jesus fucking christ what happened to Fo? I thought they used to be top tier?? teaming with SV and then losing 3-0 to them in clan wars on a Saturday? I feel really bad for loyal Fo members that have to watch Adhi/Allan/Jack burn down Fo's history... Embarassing as fuck. God justin beiber on justin beiber on justin beiber on justin beiber.
  5. Congrats TLP on your dual-rivalry win. Disappointed in SV and FOE's performance. I thought they were somewhat relevant. But TEAMING and LOSING? Then FoE gets smoked 3-0 vs SV the worst clan in the game? CLAN WARS ON SATURDAY? SINCE WHEN?
  6. Stay retired. Your clan is being clowned on universally, it is blatant that fo is on its way out. Stop holding on to threads of hope. There is zero hope for you. you got 3-0'd by the SV, the former worst HPC in the game, Securing fo's title of the worst Hpc
  7. Tlp freight training everything in their path. What a terrible scenario for FI, What an EXCITING time to be a member of TLP. Waow.
  8. L O L the template when i tried to post a comment.
  9. 2nd screenshot blatant archer helm and sup team cape. Yikes
  10. You are fat, asian, 28 years old, breathe through your nose, have a small dick, wear glasses, have acne, have stretch marks up to your manboobs, smell like brown sticky stuff and you're a virgin.
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