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Everything posted by chance111

  1. das my homie ev black son right here
  2. thats funny considering everytime we fight you, lpc accounts and mains in red capes seem to litter the map, neither side seems to complain in game, but only 1 side seem to complain about it on sharkbrew you spent months pulling more than everyone else , walking around the wilderness with no one to fight lol, we do it once and suddenly you kick up a fuss.?
  3. ok i spent the last 24 hours imagining cd pulling 100 mains yesterday like this shirt lifter from envy told us to and it didnt work
  4. this looked about as fun as listening to hassan yell profanities at originalz on ts
  5. not much else to say . legacy clan vs version 4 of a failure clan and some newby clan made up of edge recruits. only 1 winner baby!
  6. all your rune scimmys and raw lobsters ARE BELONG TO US
  7. as official leader of the purple holy alliance but more commonly known as al-talaban i have just finished welcoming the 14th clan and counting, into our wonderful alliance. more clans joining every day! praise be to allah!
  8. join cd if you enjoy pking on weekends!

    join envy/op if potato masher and enjoy inners on weekends!

  9. lmao envy in the fetal position hiding in clan wars Pr3P uS!!!!!!!!!! das when you know your clan is dead. make sure you ask permission before stepping into daddys wilderness next time
  10. i think this only applied to our first run in. the two after that, envy weren't involved because their trip ended lol its all fair game anyways. just a lil funny to hear them cry about us teaming with clans with no evidence when they've got their leader on ts audio yelling to allah that he wants to help fs lol if we can get more 1v1 fights with eachother i think everyones happy
  11. insallah brother tell FS that we're ON OUR WAY
  12. mfw when losers from bad clans want to talk dat smack
  13. btw envy op destiny yall brown sticky stuff lol
  14. feels good at the top baby!

    join cd if you want to know what it feels like to be a winner

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lankz


      damn really???? was he there that would of interesting :\ that dude was ex president of commos i think. That brown sticky stuff is crazy out there

    3. chance111


      he normally goes there at nights so it happened way before he would of went but that gym is lowkey sus af, people dealin drugs out of it all the time. lots of people get jumped in its carpark but first time someone got shot

    4. Lankz


      well nigga u live in one of the most redhots spots haha that area makes mount druitt look like the northshores, alot of bikies and asian triads 

  15. waaa waaa stop lying to ur members!!!!! br0 we hav3 an offic9al LeAKin f0r us!!!!! or1Ginals WAS ur BesT cALeR!!!! lmfao
  16. looky here dum dum, unless you're a professional autist then im pretty sure the average joe can tell whether or not their clan is winning or not so if cd wants to have a LA FIESTA on ts after the daily smashing of op then by gods will cd will do it. only thing breaking here are your emotions (and your brain)
  17. lol did the left side of your brain just switch off or are suffering from an aneurysm. i actually lol'd really loud when i read this
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