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  1. The amount of times they repeat themselves in teamspeak, holy brown sticky stuff.
  2. Abdullah hopes the butthurt Olympus members can hopefully get over how brown sticky stuff their clan is one day. Unfortunately they've officially turned into a main clan.
  3. Abdullah agrees, OP is so brain dead. LOL

    1. LongShlong


      I agree, aao is dead

  4. Looks like Rage had alot of fun. Abdullah approves.
  5. The fact Olympus thinks they don't have 5+ leaks (including multiple staff)
  6. The fact you have to try an reassure your members that your forums are safe. LOL
  7. Abdullah thanks you for your attempt to post a topic. Unfortunately no1 cares. pc
  8. You sound so upset. I remember when I was 14. Lord_Abdullah hopes you can gather up the tissues and hold your tears together.
  9. You had 70 and ended with 30.... so you lost 40 people within 3 hours.
  10. They got literally railed. Went from 70 on teamspeak and dropped over 25 people lmao.
  11. Literally all of your posts are about CD. Props to CD for destroying this kids head.
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