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Everything posted by DilL

  1. This looks alot of fun lol, teams like this are pretty good
  2. welcome to Impact yall! The only way we win is by crashing!
  3. unless u got some screenshots then i dont believe brown sticky stuff, kid. its our first weekend out.. Future weeks should be more interesting on our part. Chemistry takes time to build fam
  4. Always good brown sticky stuff. Thanks for the prep xL
  5. The first time was literally a good three seconds cause you ran to singles the moment you saw us lol. And the second time SF was there. 2 clans ragging in singles? ehhh.. its in the first vid.. idk why its blocked, prob music
  6. Im confused. We fought you like once. And uhh quick logic for yall who think we fought at singles. When youre a low 60 clan in a cluster between SF (70s) and Raid (50s) at level 12 wildy, you think that the freakin 70s and 50s gon fight each other? Lol no. Youre literally capable of fighting ONLY us cause were 60s, which is.. Lets do the math, about 10 level diff from both clans whether subtracted or added. I rest my case lol Yeeeees man. Don... Wtf is this the IP DON?????
  7. Collision comes out on their first weekend PK trip with a strong 38 member pull. Since every clan decided they wanted to suck our dicks the whole Saturday and aim for us, we gave them a taste of their own medicine. Sit down or collide. S/O to: SpecialEd Forces for being fucking cauliflower this whole tripping and running to singles EVERY fight. Impact for giving us a few legit fights for once. Raid for seeing you guys like once the whole day lol. Excel for a few fights. Invictus for being MIA the whole day except at the ditch l0l. X for pulling 7 at dummies with 50 in cc L0L. Stay in p2p. Dill's POV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6h-tmJ7-wdk Brutal's POV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y69xDY-lHlo
  8. yeah cause you crash every fight and dont know how to 1v1 lmao. I think all LPC clans can agree to that.
  9. I didn't see Impact out today, all I saw was FS names.. pretty sure it meant Fearless but uhhh, alright bro And lol Tumblr aint a rank in our clan. It's Hassan, Tom and I. And awk... @Slave_Gf not in our clan
  10. I just think its funny that bc you cant beat Impact or XL that you gotta resort to sticking to the only clan you THINK you can beat LMAO nice stats, p2p noobs. Stick to fighting Apex and X in p2p
  11. gj today cant wait to see yall on weekdays and next weekend -Collision
  12. kid, this was a random wednesday night. Aint nothing official about this trip so relax yourself. Good thing we cleared you in this video like 3 times
  13. lol you seem so proud on beating DMK.. but gj on the action them randoms from edgeville are starting to learn? im proud of you
  14. lol gf today @@Control Pker gl in LPC scene trash. 20 vs 20 with level 70s on your side l0l
  15. u got cleared 3 times at gdz, where the video for that? lol
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