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Everything posted by Sl0ppy

  1. Damn bro, you seem upset it's past your bedtime, we'll talk tomorrow when you've got your 8hours of sleep
  2. Nice pull and gj, and thanks for fun action
  3. Lmao gz u needed CD to hit us, glad CD found new buttbuddies now that axis is closed
  4. Thanks for prep @@Tannie was fun with a flame free and friendly prep Thanks for prep @@Tannie was fun with a flame free and friendly prep
  5. Tbh in quite relaxed, it's just a Game and i intend not to take a Game to seriously irl, but thanks for caring
  6. Lol , you didnt "clear" us for brown sticky stuff, we just didnt see any point of fighting a mpc so poor that they had to go 1 iteming i mean would be pretty sad for you if we stayed to smite all of your dds so that you lost your bank? :/
  7. CD is telling us to apologize but tbh it looks more like CD should apologize
  8. This is what people have Said in 2 months now, looks like you are all wrong
  9. Lmao u masswd up for 5 guys trolling around in chicken suits and you managed to pull what? 10?
  10. Sad part is that CD cant see that they are ruining the pure scene, they cant admit their wrongs, Yes i can admit invictus sniped CD and imperial once over a month ago as a clan, because LPC clans Were cauliflower and didnt go out until like 2hours after said lpc times, so we sniped imperial and CD. That's the one time we did it, Then the week after Fallen decided to snipe rage, so invictus got there to fight fallen, not to snipe CD. And then CD is Crying and going down to lpc to rag us in our capes while fighting fallen (now axis) because we are helping rage Invictus as a clan is not helping Rage, but we do have some of our members in rage, and some rage members in invictus , Wich according to the rules is fine, since it's lpc and mpc. But we also had members in imperial, and quite a few in Impact, and now we got some in Olympus and in Ruin. And we dont care what MPC our members are in, cuz that's non of LPCs business. I have never heard you guys complaining that we got members in ruin or Had members in imperial? So why do it with rage? I mean obviously your rivalry is with rage, so keep it at that instead of going down and ragging an LPC with your MPC accounts. Im pretty sure we all just want to have fun, after all, it is just a Game
  11. I can let you know that we gave Hassan one chance in invictus like 2 months ago, he left cuz we didnt autorank him like you Did, and now he is not welcome to invictus anymore, but keep believing in any lie you can come up with if that makes you sleep at night
  12. Axis got cleared in .2 yesterday loool you merged to slump even more? Gf
  13. No problem mate, i've seen axis got quite a few 70+ aswell, but yeah looks like we cant go go wintercup
  14. We kind of do if it is during lpc times, since they are a lpc, if they wanna snipe rage then do it before/after lpc times. Or they can bring their higher pures to go with cd, not bringing their lpc clan to do it, cuz by doing this they are ruining the purescene, and whatever Rivalry rage and cd got, that should not affect the lpc scene, if axis got members in cd and invictus in rage, who cares honestly , leave that Rivalry at the mpc times on your mpc accounts, and when u are in axis and invictus focus on lpc instead. Thats just my point but maybe that is because im hoping that we can save the pure clanning before it's ruined.
  15. We didnt snipe axis , we Were there to get a Clean fight with axis, axis have no reason to be there sniping rage, axis should be out looking for other lpcs to fight and not hide in CD capes in a mpc war
  16. Yes gz you won against us in clanwars we can accept the defeat, just accept that you got totally slammed this weekend even tho you were up 10 on us
  17. Yes, to hit axis who were sniping rage, and since envy ended so soon, and axis was out with 45? We decided to go into the cluster to hit axis and pull away from the cluster, this sunday we never sniped CD, but axis were sniping rage. Invictus is tired of the mpc drama coming down go lpc, so we are trying to evade cd when mpc and lpc times crashes, but since axis were just next to you it is possible a few of CD got hit aswell even tho that was not what we wanted.
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