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Everything posted by Spliff

  1. @@Bama Hick where is this pic cant back up ur propaganda? i see ur online bb
  2. its funny to look and see how the flame jumps outta nowhere on these topics also i'd of liked to hear I mahatma I call
  3. when you stop hiding behind random ass profiles to hide your identity because no1 in the community likes you most likely then maybe your opinion will be remotely valid
  4. Today we massed up 25 hungry ravenous Ascentians to take on Nemebrown sticky stuff we had high expectation for this prep after some accusations of us bringing multiple invites and a kid with 98 defence to our P2P prep we thought we would take a brown sticky stuff on these propaganda whores and we did just that, with some great calling ingame and our inners really paying off we came out with a 3-0 win. Austin's POV Brad's POV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dARwdc7CNG8 The A names calling in that second round Connor for carrying inners nemesis for ddosing with a brown sticky stuffty booter that couldnt hit off our ranks.. Hi mom smacked 3-0 nem smells there to flash2 spams Shout to to bv for losing a beast long live la shout out to the gilded scimitar umm like join ascent? s/o to [n]hunter aka Yankin_Deez for lying cause butthurt eddie is still waiting for ur photshopped pic bb
  5. Today we massed up 17 Ascentians later peaking at 21 for a P2P prep vs Nemesis hearing that these guys are #1 in p2p we fought with lots of heart and ended up coming out with a 2-1 win over them thanks for prep nemesis. /query Spliff for p2p prep bb Ter's POV Brad's POV shout out to drops small dick Clutch for Mvp Hang Spooks #1 dat one nigga who got banged smdhhhoeeeeeee Cookie #1 70 Bracket. chiropractors Drop pack backs cv for claiming they only clan that does p2p but wont prep us ralph#1tank the fi invites Our UK squad for carrying shout out to spliffs big ass nose
  6. what lpc are you referring to exactly?
  7. We need to go back to route's of what weekend trips were it's always been Saturday F2P & Sunday P2P, only reason we did double dose of F2P was cause of LPC thing now their is no more lpc's why are we still not doing P2P, I'm sure many of you other clans want it too and i honestly don't see why we haven't started doing them already... ascent 100% is down for P2P, I hope you guys can make the right choice as a community and bring P2P back!
  8. pretty sure sithlord just begged smd to merge into rd and they didnt find him at edge bank
  9. I heard you're reopening demise pures with vpt tho
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