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Persian Tom

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Status Replies posted by Persian Tom

  1. This topic is a prime example of how brainwashed and delusional sharkbrew community is lmfao. The facts are right in front of your face and you guys would rather ignore it and pretend it's not there l0000l

  2. @Persian Tom do you know what today is?

  3. Do you guys even gym and club?

  4. Apex and EOP merge trip for next weekend. Whoa lmfao this might be good

  5. My irl brother is Sv and I'm dome. We finna throw hands up irl. Square up lil nikka

  6. dont let your dreams be memes

  7. wow rd how many signups is it going to take to go ahead with a scheduled prep?

  8. btw @Niblet whoever bought the acc Drk Scylla/Lord Yama is a broccoli, ty for recov

  9. Whats new on the brew?

  10. 20 years old today. s/o all the haters

  11. yep eop is certainly dead due to the dull promo yep lmfa0 0-14

  12. if you ever played os-scape the p server, and use the same password on other servers or rs or for your email, change your passwords now, the database was leaked

  13. @Persian Tom i dont see u on irc?? need to become mediator thx

  14. I predict clan of the month = Fatality

  15. first 89-0 and now 84-0, i will say you're getting better. Keep trying lmfa0.

  16. Getting head while typing this, you virgs mad? l00l.

  17. when desperation from the eop ranks backfire... http://puu.sh/mu8cv/a920c103df.png

  18. What happened to #Prophecy ?

  19. look what fi reduced eop to lmfao

  20. SharkNews special: Hansis leaking in TLP after months of loyalty?

  21. [23:49] im struggling here waiting 3 months every promo in fi

  22. Fi is brown sticky stuff lol.

  23. Successfully renamed channel "Preps ~ 46-13" to "Preps ~ 57-13(11 win streak)"

  24. Yo everyone that doesn't know by now.. @Dennis isn't the real Dennis, sorry to anyone affected by @DULL impersonating

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