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Everything posted by Parm

  1. Howls may be potato masher. but they scammed him for 40M (he bought an account off Toxic) as soon as he gave the GP they banned him and recovered. Kids a scum. I learned everyone else will soon enough lol.
  2. @slushpuppy I was wrong about Sharkbrew, it's best site ever will u forgive me no troll :[/index.php?/user/88-braden/" rel="">Braden has shown me the light.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Murd


      Ah yes excellent to hear

    3. Sith-


      rd worst clan in both servers r0f last place

    4. Wardy


      @Chesty Puller Drama is fun to read :D. Just pull up a chair and laugh


  3. lucky we still pulled the 2-1 out D: doubt it was supremacy ddosing us though i chill in their ts every day i didn't dc. ty 4 prep!
  4. master plan gets clan to train to hpc levels merges with supremacy
  5. lt pretty much cleared zu by the time we hit first fight
  6. well rip eop's quality guess foe leaving did impact you :/ we will retaliate back with DDOS if you DDOS us
  7. Ava's Devices Changes Previously the Ava's devices would not collect ammo from anywhere that you cannot directly walk to. The devices are now able to grab ammo whether or not an obstacle is in the way. This change means that you will now be able to retrieve your ammo during a fight against Zulrah.
  8. Bro nah i want this kid to use RD's bro funny ass topics lmfao
  9. l0l00l0ll00l?@?@?#@?!>24,lrkls r0fch0perk0!!!
  10. WHO THE FUCK IS THIS??!!@!!@!oeksaofkadspofkd!!!
  11. ye we made our closing topic after losing this fullout :[ jkjk eargasm ty 4 mini
  12. hopefully we can preform well against them in p2p ;c their quite good in that server
  13. why would u post it in public rd and soup use to set the worlds up then as soon as we posted on sb ruined just keep it off here
  14. SV TAKING OVER THE PURE COMMUNITY ONCE AGAIN !!!!!! PURPLE:AR0000000000000000000000!!!
  15. @slushpuppy has so many fake accs on these forums stopp!!@@!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Father Justin
    3. Buffon


      Why have you been trying to be funny recently when you're 100% not funny in the slightest

    4. Parm


      @Buffon i ddosed you at every prep! confirmed.

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